Ch. 2 Warm to Cold

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H/C = Hair Colour

I felt warm. It was a nice warm. Like it was the iciest winter, and I was snuggled up under my coziest blanket.

But that didn't make any sense. It was spring and my mattress didn't feel like my mattress. It felt more like I had sunk into a giant pillow. I could also hear water gurgling softly nearby.

Where am I?

My eyes snapped open in a panic. I could see dimly glowing blue and white specks on a grey rippling canvas above me.


Yellow light streamed in through an opening, a green hue added by the leafy vines draped over the opening.

As I looked around, I remembered where I was. I was in his cave... The dragon's cave. The dragon's cave, whose name I couldn't remember.

And then there was the warm feeling that was wrapped around me. I looked down, a giant forest green scaled wing delicately wrapped around me. I looked over my shoulder. More green scales.

So, he does have a beast form. I noted.

I propped myself up on my arms and looked behind me. His large green head was curled in around me, as if to provide some sort of border between me and the rest of the cave.

His breaths were deep and long, grumbling softly in his throat as he slept. I smiled at his snoozing body.

I crawled closer to him, feeling the ruff behind his horns. It was so smooth—like a petal. I ran my hand over the ruff, feeling my fingers run over the cartilage fingers in it.

Then a new rumble came from his throat.

Was he... purring?

He was purring as I stroked his scales. His lips curled up into a smile. His smile made me smile.

I moved my hand down to his head, running my hands over the rougher scales of his cheek and forehead.

His smile grew bigger.

Good morning, came a masculine voice. The same voice I heard from the dragon the night before.

But he didn't move his lips. He hadn't moved at all.

I froze and retracted my hand.

I was enjoying that, he complained.

"How are you doing that?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably.

Talking in your head? He seemed amused by my confusion. He opened his eye, an amber gem staring right at me.

"You're—you're in my head?!" I exclaimed. I forced myself to my feet and backed up, only to have his wing hit my back.

The dragon raised his head, green scales shimmering in what morning sunlight came into the cave. He looked down at me, sympathy in his eyes. He lifted his wing, and I stumbled off the cushion of animal hides.

I'm sorry, but I have no other way to communicate with you in this form... and you're the only person I can communicate with like this.

I looked straight at him, trying to look hard, fight off all my questions. I felt violated. He had entered my head without asking me or even telling me about his power.

Just give me a moment to shift and find my clothes.

I glanced aside and turned around.

A flash of light came from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see his bare back as he rummaged around for his trousers.

Hunter To Lover (MxM)(Male Dragon Shifter X Male Elf/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now