
"No? I'm trying to help, Soph!"

"No, you're yelling at me. Yelling isn't helping."

Jax takes a deep breath then sits on the bed, calmly patting the spot next to him. "Please."

"That's better." She can't help the teasing smirk on her busted lips as she sits, the towel still secured around herself. "I met a guy at the grocery store and we hit it off. We were together for a while but I didn't want to have sex with him- I- I really couldn't bring myself to fuck him and he got tired of it and... you know..." she trails off, watching herself fiddle with her fingers nervously. Jax puts one of his on top of hers, gently brushing his thumb against her knuckles. "I told him I didn't want to. I tried to get away from him but..."

Jax catches on and clenches his jaw. "He assaulted you."

"It is what it is." She shrugs, wiping a stray tear. "I'm moving into my dad's house."

"Good for you." He smiles softly, his eyes falling to the huge bruise covering her back. "Stand up."


"Just stand up, please." He takes her hand and pushes her to her feet. "Trust me."


Jax tugs her towel down her back slightly, letting it pool at her hips as he gets a look at her back. The big ass bruise almost covers her entire back from shoulder to shoulder. "What happened?"

"Donnie must've shoved me against the wall-wait no," She glances back at her skin. "This is from when he threw me to the kitchen floor for not having dinner ready when he got home from 'busting his ass all damn day at work'." She shakes her head. "That was a couple weeks ago."

"Soph." Jax sighs. "You can't go back."

"Oh, no, I know." She says, fixing the towel before she starts to pick up clothes. "I'm moving into my dad's house." She repeats. "After I get dressed, I'm heading over there." She flutters her sight to him. "You can come with if you want."

He nods and stands. "I'll be outside, then." He leans over and gently presses a kiss to her bruised cheek before slipping out the door.

Sophia sighs to herself as she slowly pulls on a pair of shorts, wincing slightly when the fastened button presses against a dark bruise on her lower stomach. She shakes her head, pulling on a tank top next- it's too hot to be bundled up, no matter how much she wants to hide the marks on her skin, then she steps into her sneakers.

She throws her wet hair into a shitty bun then joins Jax outside, leading him to her jacked-up Chevy.


"How has things been around here?" Sophia asks as she packs up some of Scott's clothes.

"Fine." He shrugs back, neatly stacking the filled boxes outside the back end of her SUV. "You reconnected with a brother?"

"My oldest, yeah, David." She sets a few shirts to the side for herself. "I'm gonna see if he wants some of these jeans and I'll probably save some for Gabe when he gets out of prison- y'know job interviews and shit. Doubt they'll want to hire a fuckin convicted felon."

"He's back in?"

"You're surprised?" She asks, looking over at him. She bites her lip when she sees he's ditched his cut and tee, leaving him in that white tank top and baggy jeans.

He catches her eye, his panty dropping smirk making its way onto his face.

"Larceny, possession and resisting arrest." She says, tucking the flaps of the box under each other before scribbling Jeans on the front and sides. "Back at Stockton, I guess."

Shatter The Glass - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now