For the longest time, she believed her parents were right when they encouraged her to join the Imperial Navy. That confidence in them and her own decision was now undermined by fear. She feared that someday her homeworld would also be destroyed by the Empire. She had realized just how deep the scars of this war would be for every planet they had already disrupted, pillaged or enslaved. Entire cultures and traditions, entire nations crushed under their boot for the sake of order and stability. (Y/N) didn't want to have a part in this destruction anymore.

When she was finally dismissed for the night, she wandered around the ship trying to get a hold of her thoughts. Even if she wanted to leave the Navy, she wouldn't know what to do next. She would become a deserter, she couldn't simply go back to live on Naboo and spend her days running in the fields like her younger self did. It was also not like she could just call the rebels and join them. It made her wonder how Lieutenant Lyste had come to establish contact with them and become their ally.

(Y/N) wondered if she should go down to the detention level and ask him some questions. "No, that's a bad idea. If they see you talking with him they'll think you're his accomplice." she admonished herself. Instead, she chose to go to a more legitimate source of information. She turned around at the next corner and headed to the Admiral's office.

Just like the last time, she waited for him to let her in and went through the door. When she walked in the small hallway, she was surprised to find him working on an assassin droid.

"Am I disturbing you, Admiral?"

"Not at all, (Y/N). I was just refining the programming on my new training droid. I'd rather not have another incident happen like it did today." He pressed a button at the back of the machine and it shut down.

"You train with assassin droids?" the young lieutenant's eyes went wide in disbelief.

"I do. I find them to be the most reliable and pretty much the only worthy opponents on this ship." He slowly walked away from the training mat and closed the door behind him. He lightly placed a hand behind (Y/N)'s back, motionning her to follow him into his office.

She noticed there were new objects scattered around, including a large piece of concrete with numerous graffiti on it. She took a longer look at it and instantly liked the vibrant colours used by the artist.

"This particular artwork was made by the Mandalorian rebel Sabine Wren." Thrawn explained calmly.

The young woman realized he still stood close behind her, his hand resting gently on her waist. Thinking about what her friend Ania had said a few weeks back, she resisted her first instinct to move away from him. She had to admit it actually felt quite nice. She shifted her weight on her other foot, getting a little bit closer to him without actually leaning on him.

"Her style is pretty unique. If she wasn't a wanted criminal, I think she'd have a chance at becoming a successful artist." (Y/N) said pensively.

"I agree." Thrawn lowered his gaze from the concrete wall to look at her. "You're very observant." he added, and when she raised her eyes to look back at him she realized he was smiling.

"Thank you, Admiral" she smiled back, a light blush colouring her cheeks.

"You can simply call me Thrawn when no one else is around, (Y/N)."

He had spoken with his usual low and measured voice, but she still felt butterflies in her stomach when he said her name. Although the silence between them as they looked into each other's eyes barely lasted more than a few seconds, to (Y/N) it felt way longer. Her heart beat increased and she felt the blush on her cheeks deepen slightly. The faint glow of his red irises reminded her of embers, and it certainly felt like they were burning through her. Unable to speak, she simply nodded and looked around her, trying to regain her composure. Thrawn let her distance herself from him, clasping both hands behind his back. She couldn't see the hint of amusement on his face as she started walking around to look at some of the other pieces in his office.

"I was wondering," the Grand Admiral started. "You undeniably have a great interest in other peoples' art and a visible aptitude to recognize talent. Are you yourself an artist?" he asked.

"I think it's more of a hobby for me. I used to enjoy sculpting back on Naboo but I had to give it up when I enlisted. I still draw, though. It's more convenient for a life aboard a Star Destroyer." She turned around and leaned back against the edge of his desk to face him. "I believe I would have pursued a career in that field if I had stayed home."

"I'm not surprised. If you agree, I would like to take a look at your work someday." Thrawn said with what seemed to be a genuine interest.

"It's not much, but I guess I wouldn't mind." (Y/N) agreed. "Just give me a heads up next time you have some free time." she added, a small smile appearing on her lips.

At that point, (Y/N) had completely forgotten the reason for her visit. She moved a little and her hand knocked on the painted helmet beside her. She took it and examined it for a moment.

"Whose helmet is this?"

She examined the paint job again, recognizing the animal on it. It was a lothcat, or an abstract representation of it.

"This helmet belonged to the prisoner that was apprehended by Lieutenant Lyste and Agent Kallus, Miss Wren's associate Ezra Bridger. As you are aware, he managed to escape once again."

She nodded quietly, staring at the lothcat on the helmet. She grazed her hand across the surface pensively. She had initially come here to ask Thrawn about Lieutenant Lyste, but the mention of Agent Kallus made her realize something. According to the reports, he was the man mandated by the ISB to help Governor Pryce track down the rebels on Lothal, so how could he have not recognized Bridger the second they caught him? Also, if she had managed to realize this, how come that Thrawn hadn't? Suddenly feeling uneasy, she placed the helmet back on his desk and stood up.

"Is something wrong, Lieutenant?" he inquired, his expression unreadable in the room's dim light.

"I just think I've taken up enough of your time. I'm going to head back to my cabin if you don't mind."

She bowed her head hastily, he acknowledged and answered with a similar polite bow before letting her find her way out of his office. He lingered for a moment, standing still and looking at the door that just closed before unhurriedly walking back to his chair.

Through Imperial EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang