Chapter 2

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"(Y/N)!" a voice called on the tarmac.

"Hi Ania!" she replied happily to her friend who had just arrived at the landing platform. She quickly walked to her and gave her a warm hug.

"I can't believe it's been so long, I've missed you! So much has happened, I can't wait to tell you everything!" she exclaimed.

(Y/N) chuckled at her enthusiasm and followed her back to the speeder. She had missed her too even if five months wasn't that long, especially for people working on two different warships sent to opposite parts of the galaxy. Ania was a lot more extravagant than her, but (Y/N) thought it made them a great pair. Her friend mostly did the talking while she listened and they both liked it that way. Ania usually also came up with the plans and she followed her, just like it would probably happen that night.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach Ania's parents' apartment. She headed straight inside and (Y/N) chose to stay on the terrace for a bit to admire the view. Her friend's family was quite wealthy, even for Coruscant. They were living in the upper level in one of the towers not very far from the Financial District. The sun was slowly setting on the horizon, its golden light reflected by the buildings' windows. Endless lanes of speeders flew across the sky and the young woman couldn't help but be amazed by the whole sight. It was a welcome change from being confined on a Star Destroyer.

She was pulled out of her daydream by her friend shouting from inside the apartment. She entered the living room and took the glass of wine she was offering her. As (Y/N) sipped her wine, Ania started to lay out her plans for the evening. They would order some food in and catch up before getting ready for their night out.

"... I've heard that the place is great and that way we could also dance! I figured we should go while we're both here!" her friend concluded.

"It sounds really nice, but you'll need to help me out. I haven't brought anything to wear besides that." (Y/N) pointed at her flowy blouse and casual pants. At least she had decided to put on the only pair of heels she had brought with her on the Chimaera, but she certainly didn't expect to go to one of the most popular spots in the city during her shore leave.

"Oh, don't you worry about that! We'll find a dress for you in my closet!" the other exclaimed excitedly. She picked her glass of wine and dragged the young woman to her room to get ready.

Once they stepped in Ania's huge closet, (Y/N) began to look through her stuff. There were a lot of beautiful pieces, but nothing really felt like her. After a long search, she chose a simple black cocktail dress that seemed like she would not stand out too much in the crowd. Her friend, however, had another idea for her.

"Are you crazy? I can't wear that, I feel like I'm basically naked!" (Y/N) exclaimed, trying to hide herself with her arms.

"Girl, that's the point! You're hot, and it's a real shame that you always have to hide it under those awful imperial uniforms or bland clothes like this!" the other countered, holding the black dress as evidence.

The young woman grumbled and looked at herself again in the mirror, trying to act more confident. The dress was very revealing, exposing her toned muscles and enhancing her figure in all the right places. The burgundy colour complimented her skin tone really well and she had to admit she liked the sparkly fabric.

It was way out of her comfort zone, but maybe she could pull it off. Before she could change her mind, and partly because she didn't really expect Ania would let her refuse anyway, she agreed and they both went on with their conversation while they finished getting ready.


"Please sir, could we have another round?'' (Y/N) asked the bartender, their empty glasses sitting on the counter. It would definitely be her last one for the night, she thought. They were already tipsy when they arrived from the wine they drank back at dinner and she was starting to lose her focus. She wasn't used to drinking a lot, Ania on the other hand still seemed to be handling herself pretty well. She was currently eyeing across the bar to check if the cute guy she had seen earlier was still there.

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