Another New Start | Chapter 9

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

A bit of time has passed and I finally earned enough money to buy a small apartment. It wasn't anything too big but at the same time it was a new start.

Small living room

Small living room

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And finally the bedroom

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And finally the bedroom

And finally the bedroom

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With the money that I get from work I should be able to live a stable life along with my night work for quite a while.

For the time being I think its time that I start thinking about making my vigilante costume.

I'd like to be heard to at least let them know that I'm coming, but at the same time I'd like to be unnoticeable...

So right now I know that I want to be known as a fox, but also want a noise to announce myself...

I suppose, bells could work. I sat at my desk and drew out an outfit plan thinking of different things I could use in my costume.

 I sat at my desk and drew out an outfit plan thinking of different things I could use in my costume

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(I know that looks crappy but I was in a rush.)

I carefully planned out what parts of the costume thinking about everything I'd be wearing and how it would feel to actually work in the outfit. Along with the weapons I'd be using.

I'm used to using a dagger so I'll definitely have one, I think that I'll disguise it as well, to throw people off. Not just that I think I'll carry around a spear too, its been a while since I last held one.


Time passed and I was working on how they would actually look and where I'd have them.

Time passed and I was working on how they would actually look and where I'd have them

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(I drew the mask and my younger sister drew the body)

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(I drew the mask and my younger sister drew the body)

With this being finished its time to actually make the finished project.

I started working on the base being the shawl along with the socks/stockings. I worked on the outfit all night and sent in my sketch of my mask to a friend of mine and now I just have to wait.

The clothing part shouldn't take too long to finish but the mask may take a few days so for the time being I'll just have to wait, oh that's right the weapons too...

I'll send in a sketch of them to a weapons dealer later. For now my dagger should be just fine.


A few days later


The mask arrived in the mail this morning so my identity is no longer at risk, looks like its time for me to officially start my career as a vigilante. 

I packed my costume in a small bag that I carry around just about everywhere and headed out the door to start my day of work at the café. I walked through some alleys taking shortcuts and meeting some questionable new friends along the way. I was just about to leave the alley until I felt a slight stinging sensation in my side. 

I looked back to see a man with a long katana covered in what I assume is my blood. I winced at the sight of my wound. "Come on man, I just want to get to work..." I said as if I hadn't just been stabbed. He looked at me like I was some crazy person. I watched as he licked my blood. 

All of a sudden it got hard to move, I could barely lift a finger. "Your a strange one..." The man said as he licked my blood, I started to feel like my body was getting even heavier.

"Gha..., can you just let me go..." I asked struggling to get my words out. He looked at me as if he were confused. 

"Your blood is strange..., what are you?" He asked now looking me in the eyes. I didn't say anything as my vision was starting to blur.

Everything went black.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter~

LilLemon out~

(761) Words.

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