The Start Of A New Life | Chapter 4

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Izumi had walked hastily away from the man on the roof, and was now once again wandering through the city without a clue where she was going to stay. She knew that if she stopped on another rooftop then the man would probably find her once again. So instead she chose to walk towards the woods that laid beside the city. 

Izumi jumped up into a tree landing peacefully on a large tree branch that would hold her up with ease. She set her things behind her head as a pillow of sort. She stared back up at the stars then slowly waited for her eyes to feel heavy. Izumi waited for almost 3 hours before she finally managed to fall asleep. 


Izumi woke up feeling tired and stiff from the tough branch that she somehow managed to stay on throughout the night. As she got up she once again felt a pair of eyes on her. She looked around but couldn't seem to find anything. Izumi sighed then jumped down from the tree landing peacefully on the ground and walking further into the woods trying to escape the feeling of being stared at.

She walked almost 30 minutes and gave up still feeling the eyes on her. Izumi feeling really annoyed at this stuck her middle finger towards the direction then started to take her clothes off, in an instant she no longer felt the stare. 

Izumi started to laugh at this and started to further undress then grab clothes out from her duffle bag. She was wearing something simple and easy for her morning and daily training.

Izumi got all of her clothes back on then started to stretch, once again feeling the stare of an unknown being

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Izumi got all of her clothes back on then started to stretch, once again feeling the stare of an unknown being. Izumi gave up trying to get rid of her little spy and continued with her stretches. She stopped prepping and bent down to grab her bag then wrapped it around her shoulders and stomach. 

Izumi stretched her arms over her head then got low into a professional running stance. All of a sudden she dashed back towards where she had come from feeling the stare of the unknown being now staring directly at her face. Izumi didn't care if they found out who she was, after all what would be the point in challenging someone if they couldn't even see your face. Of course this mindset will have to change once she becomes a vigilante, but for now this would work just fine.

Or so she thought, as she was suddenly wrapped in a rather long scarf like object. "Waahh..., what the hell....!" Izumi screamed as she looked towards the end of the cloth. There stood a hobo looking man with bags under his eyes.

Izumi let out a small grumble as she struggled in the cloth that held her tight. "I thought you said you were going home?" The man said looking Izumi dead in the eyes.

Izumi stared daggers at the man seemingly ineffectively. The man let out a long sigh as he watched the girl struggle in his capture weapon. The man closed his eyes for a second as if he was thinking, but little did he know this was a mistake that Izumi would take for granted. Izumi slipped freely out of the scarf slightly dislocating both of her arms then started to run as the man still had his eyes closed.

Izumi had made it quite a bit away from the man as he noticed that his capture device no longer had the pull it was supposed to. He looked down at his scarf in shock that Izumi was able to escape. As he looked towards the girl once again there was a bright blinding emerald glow coming from her.

Within seconds Izumi had disappeared once again.


As Izumi slipped into an unknown alley she watched as her follower passed the entrance still running in the direction he assumed her to take. Izumi made her way down the alley glad to no longer have the staring feeling she had slightly gotten used to.

As Izumi made her way through back alleys she heard a loud scream coming from a path that most people wouldn't know existed. Izumi ran towards the noise to find a little girl in the hands of an older man with a gun pointed towards her head, along with a crying woman a few feet in front of the two. 

Without a second thought Izumi ran towards the man without a care in the world other then to get the little girl out of the mans grasp. Almost at lightning speed Izumi made it towards the now surprised man who now had his gun pointed towards her.

Izumi didn't care she slipped past a fast approaching arm that had come from the man, and grabbed hold of the little girl wrapping one of her arms around the child's waist. Izumi then Knelt down into a strange position lifting one leg that soured fast towards the man's chin. The hit landed harshly, the man fell back as a loud gunshot was heard. Without a second of notice Izumi had been hit in her upper thigh falling to one knee. 

Izumi heard a scream coming from the older woman behind her. "Go to your mother." Izumi whispered down to the little girl who had wrapped her arms around Izumi's waist. The girl was quivering, it reminded Izumi of that time she had witnessed something terrible. The little girl didn't move an inch, just grabbing tightly onto Izumi's waist not letting go for a second.

Izumi sighed at the girls reluctance then got up with her still unhealed wound. Izumi no longer felt much pain, ever since she started training. The wound was already completely numb and absorbed along with the rest of wounds that laid themselves along her body. Izumi stood up effortlessly holding the girl up with a free hand. The man whom had the gun was motionless on the ground not making a single move.

Izumi started walking back over towards the crying mother with her child still in hand. Izumi got to the woman and set down the child once again feeling a sharp pain coming from her back followed by a loud noise. The man was still somehow conscious.  

Izumi fell to her knees now holding the area of the wound. Izumi once again out of no where felt that stare. Izumi tched, then got up from her slouched position as blood spilled out of her open wound. "Would you give me a fucking break!" Izumi screamed out now running towards the man with a gun. Ignoring all signs of danger, she rushed right at him earning a slight look of terror on the man's face. This made Izumi happy even if she didn't show it.

Izumi picked the man up by the collar and flung him into a wall once again hearing that painfully loud noise that was pointed towards her other leg. Izumi let out a small scream that could barely be heard. The man whom hit the wall hard now once again laid motionless on the ground, however this time Izumi made sure he was unconscious, not wanting another wound.

The eyes of the one who was staring felt closer then ever to her, Izumi swiftly turned around and was caught by the man, however this time in his arms instead of his capture gear. Izumi let a small yelp as pain flowed through her body.

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