Chapter 26

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Friday rolled around quickly, the race is tonight. Aiden has had me work extra time out at the track to get ready for today, I'm both excited and nervous. This isn't like fighting, it's much more dangerous. I finally got my drifting to perfection. Aiden said it's the fastest he's ever seen someone perfect it.

I went on about my normal day, I helped Rebecca clean up her apartment for awhile. She said "the boys" were staying with us tonight after the race, whoever they are. Unless they're the other guys in my contact list.

Aiden stopped by with his mechanic to check on my car to make sure it's suitable to race. I sat in the car and revved the engine when told. The guy gave me and Aiden the all clear for the mustang to race so Aiden paid him money for coming out this way.

Me and Aiden went back in, Rebecca had dinner already made. Lasagna, with toast and salad. Rebecca loved to cook big meals like this sometimes, so while me and Aiden got everything ready for the race she cooked.

"Dinner was delicious honey, thank you." Aiden thanked Rebecca for the meal she cooked. "Avery, meet me over in the living room. I want to discuss something's with you." I nodded to his request and followed him to the living room. Rebecca took our dirty dishes and cleaned them.

"The people there tonight, can be dangerous. The person you're racing tonight is at the top of the game. One of the best racers out there. Some ground rules: no betting with anyone, watch who you talk to, do not cause a stir up. If anyone tries to start anything with you, walk away." Aiden told me the rules, they all made sense and I could do all, besides maybe the last one. Being an ex fighter, I can't just walk away if someone tries to start something. I realized that when Jeremiah and Sword came around.

"Do you understand Avery!?" He asked with a stern voice which brought me out of my thoughts. "Yes sir." I nodded. He walked past me patting my shoulder. He went into the kitchen to help Rebecca.

I took out my phone and checked the time. I have 2 hours before the race. I went back into my room and put my hair into a side braid and washed my face. I needed to do something to calm my nerves. I focused on myself in the mirror for a while, realizing how far I've come. I use to be a little girl that would get pushed around by her so called family. No here I am about to participate in my first race.

I walked out of the bathroom and went and grabbed my uniform and helmet. It was time to leave for the race, Rebecca and Aiden were already waiting for me at the door. I hopped in my mustang and placed my gear in the back seat. Rebecca joined Aiden in his car.

The closer I got to the track the stronger my nerves hit me. When I parked my car, I sat there for a moment to catch my breath. Once I felt calm enough I got out and met up with Aiden who was around a group of guys.

"This must be the racer." The tall, skinny guy with dreads said. Aiden turned around to me and smiled. "That's her. Boys, this is Avery." I waved at the 4 guys standing there. They gave a slight smile and waved back.

"I'm Kenny." said the guy with the dreads. He looks the oldest out of them all. He has several tattoos on his arms that laid perfectly on his dark skin. He seems nice.

"Brennen" said the shorter brown haired guy, you can obviously tell he works out a lot. Also not the talking type, since all he said was his name. Seems kinda rude too since he couldn't even look at me when introducing himself.

"I'm Leo." Said the tallest of all the guy, with a wink, I seriously hate guys. He had tan skin, jet black hair with a hint of blue that showed when the light hit it.

"Aaron," the guy with chestnut brown hair said shyly. He's really baby faced, how cute, probably the youngest of them all.

"Avery, these are the boys that'll be staying with you and Rebecca after the race. It's time to go get dressed now." I nodded and headed back to my mustang and quickly put the suit on.

Roxanne Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora