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[Hello, host this is system 002, Please make a contract with me in 10 seconds]


[Initializing contract with the host in 3...2..1.... Contract successful]

'...what the hell?...'

[Host will be with me jumping through worlds, so please take care of me]

'..Okay...but what's with the monotone voice? '

[Host will now jump to his first world]

'Wait a minute you haven't even explained anything to me yet!'

[Transferring host in 5....4....3...2...]

'Oi! Are you even listeni-'

[....1....transfering complete]

'Fuck you!!!!!!'


After a few hundred's of worlds (with the pair of host and system)

[Host~host? HOST!]


[You're almost in your three hundred and fifty world you know]


[Does host not care? Σ(っ°Д °; )っ]

'Why would I?'

[Boohoo, host does not care that he's about to leave this system at all huhu]

'And who told you that?'

[huhu- wait what? You won't leave me? Are sure host? Are you really really sure??]

'Why would I when I'm quite enjoying what I'm doing right now and plus I also get to spend time with a friend right?'

[Host!!! Waaaahhhhh!!!]

'Shut up and stop crying already.'


'Yo, system....'

[Yes~ Mah host?]

'I feel like there's someone who followed us here since my last world'

[It's probably just your imagination~ so let's forget about that! You're going to jump to your five hundredth world, so this system will give you something for free! ]

'Hm? What is it? Do I get to choose what it is?'

[Yep! You can choose any item in the store for free but only one! So choose wisely host!]


Well peace out

World Hopping With System 002Where stories live. Discover now