"Never leave like that again, Lily. Please. You scared me."

"I'm so sorry Derek. I'm so sorry."

We laid in post orgasmic bliss for what could have only been five minutes before I heard the front door crash open and heavy footsteps coming down the hall.

"What the fuck? Get behind me, Lily." Derek says as I struggle to pull on clothes.

A moment later Sam barges into our bedroom and looks from Derek to me then back again.

"Seriously Luna? Alpha is freaking the fuck out over our mind link. Who the fuck is this?"

"I'm her boyfriend. Do you know this man, Lily? Is this who you were really with all week?" My mouth drops open and I reach out for Derek. I start walking towards him where he's standing on the other side of the bed.

"No! Baby, I..." I don't get to finish because Sam punches Derek in the face, knocking him out cold.

"Sam! What are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry it's just, I can feel Alpha's anger. Plus I didn't want you revealing anything to him. We need to go. Get your shit. Your iced fucking coffee is in the car." He says with a disappointed look in my direction.

"You can't blame me for this Sam. You know what he's been putting me through." Sam sighs and nods his head.

"I know, it's just hard. Not all of my emotions are mine right now."

"Is he going to be OK?" I ask looking over at Derek's still form.

"He'll be fine. Someone is coming to keep an eye on him." I nod and gather my things as quickly as possible.

The ride back is nearly silent.

"Are you going to drink that or did you just send me on a wild goose chase?" He asks pointing to my coffee.

"It really is my favorite, I just don't have much of an appetite at the moment." I mutter back. Sam reaches over the center console to grip my hand.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper and punched him like that. He didn't deserve it." I nod.

"I understand why you did it. It's ok." He smiles at me.

"You really will be a great Luna."

Once we reach Liam's house I go straight to my bedroom. I'm putting away the things I gathered when I hear the front door slam.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Liam bellows.

"In her room, but you need to calm down, Alpha."

"Calm down? Are you fucking kidding me?"

I hear quick, heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall before he barges into my room without knocking. I'm in the closet and I can hear a slight note of panic in his voice when he calls for me.

"Lily?!" I exit the closet and keep my distance from him.

"Yes Liam?"

"Who did you fuck?" He spits at me. I shrug.

"My boyfriend." He snarls at me and turns on Sam.

"Did you know she had a boyfriend?" He asks him.


"And why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to overreact and do something rash."

"I'm gonna kill him."

"Like that." Liam turns on me and points a finger at me, nearly foaming at the mouth.

"Never do that again. I was at training and nearly fucking fell over." He seethes.

"Really Liam? Are you sure it hurt that bad? Or are you just overplaying it for sympathy?" I question him sweetly, throwing his own words from this morning back at him. He growls at me before turning to leave.

"Go take a shower. You smell like that man." He tells me before he turns to Sam.

"Handle the boyfriend." Liam orders Sam.

"Already done, Alpha." Liam slams the door behind me and Sam's words cause me to panic.

"What do you mean he's handled, Sam? Did someone kill him?!" I shriek.

"No Luna he's fine. We just had a witch go see him and wipe you from his memory." My brows furrow in confusion as I sit on the bed.

"What do you mean erased me from his memory?"

"He doesn't know he ever met you." I take a minute to absorb this information.

"You mean the last two years of memories together are just gone?" I ask hoping I'm terribly wrong.

"Exactly," Sam confirms.

"No!" I scream as I descend into tears.

"It's better this way, Lily." Sam says quietly. He's never used my real name before and it makes me cry even harder for some reason.

"It will protect him and he also won't have to grieve losing you." He murmurs as he rubs soothing circles on my back.

My body begins to heave with heavy sobs as I roll over on the bed, no longer able to bear my own weight. Of everything these monsters have done to me, this is by far the worst.

"He was the only one, Sam!" I scream at him.

"The only one what?" He asks quietly.

"The only one left who loved me!" I don't hear his reply, my cries are too loud and echo through the room.

Sam stays with me, whispering things I don't bother to listen to and holding me in his arms. I cry for what feels like hours until I have nothing left and descend into the peace only sleep can bring.

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