Chapter Eleven- Visitor

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Sup bruh
I'm still alive
You guys probably didn't realise that
So yeah
Gonna write now

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"Sachi!!" I looked round quickly at the call, surprised to see Ino running toward me at breakneck speed. I stopped walking, turning around to face her- my teammates did the same.

"Ino? Did you need something?" I asked, confused. My first reply was a lightning fast jab to the head. I clutched at it, eyes watering. "What was that for?!"

"Leaving without saying bye! I had a good luck speech planned and everything!!" She exclaimed, pointing a finger at me. She frowned, then sighed. "Guess there's no time now, huh?" I fidgeted, feeling sort of bad. She held something out to me. It sparkled in the light.

"Ino..." I stared, shocked, at the glass Calla Lily sculpture. "You... still have this? After so many years?"

"Duh! It's very important to me." Her eyes were fixed on mine. "So I want you to take it with you." She grinned, stopping me before I could speak, "Then you'll have to become a Chunin, so you don't tarnish the positive vibes of my treasured object!"

I stared at her a while longer, then at the sculpture that the me of a different time, a different personality, made. Then, I picked it up carefully, placing it in my backpack amongst my clothes so it would be protected from impact.

Ino surprised me by grasping me in a hug. "Show those Mist village ninja that Leaf nins kick butt, little sister!"

I couldn't help but grin, nodding. "Of course!"

My head throbbed like a bitch as I slowly sat up, glancing around at an utter loss as to my life in general. It took me awhile to fully realise where I was and exactly what I was doing here, but eventually I managed to get my bearings. I stood up, brushing myself down, smoothing the bedhead that had somehow occurred from my kip on the grass.

I didn't stop to think how weird it was that I'd spontaneously fallen asleep like that- in the middle of the day, no less. And I didn't notice the eyes watched me from the thickly leaved trees nearby.

"Sachi---!" The faint call sounded from somewhere nearby, and I stopped, looking around. I distinctly heard Naruto, but couldn't see him. "Sachi-chan where are yooouu?!"

I rolled my eyes, then sucked in a large breath, letting out a scream "Over here, Naruto!"

And then I was bombarded by about twelve Narutos. Who knew if any of them were the real one.

"Oww..." I grumbled, brushed myself down as all of the clones were dispelled. The real Naruto then came rushing around the corner of some building... smacking straight into me- as if I wasn't in enough pain already. I growled, "So help me Naruto if you smack into me once more today I'll shove your head so far up your ass you'll taste it-mmpf!"

"Still the same foulmouthed Sachiko, I see." Kakashi said, tossing and catching a bitten bar of soap in the air repeatedly. I spat the soap out while Naruto sweatdropped. A vein throbbed one my temple as I clenched my fists.

"I'm not a little kid anymore, Sensei! Was that really necessary?!" I demanded, annoyed. He shrugged, putting the soap away.

"Probably not, but it was fun!" He said with that closed eye smile of his, making me grind my teeth. Sometimes I'd just love to punch Kakashi-sensei...

"Oh, you guys found her!" Masato finally joined the group, too. He jogged over at a swift pace, but something was off. "About time, we've been worried, Sachiko-san!"

"Ah, sorry..." I mumbled, attempting to mask my analysis of him.

He smiled, "No worries, I'm glad you're all right." Then he paused, fiddling with his kimono. "Hey, you haven't eaten, right? C'mon, I'll treat everyone to Dango."

"Masato, you're the best!" Naruto grinned, seeming to forget that only yesterday every look he'd given his fellow male teen had been a glare. The blonde whacked him on the back, "Only way you could be better is if you treated us to ramen, 'ttebayo!"

"I didn't see any good ramen places, Naruto-san." Masato replied, easily, the two dropping back to walk beside me. I exchanged glances with Kakashi-sensei. He looked bored; no change there.

"Masato-san... thank you." I said, smiling slightly. He really was a nice guy. But I still couldn't quite pin what my odd feeling was.

"You're welcome, Sachiko-san." He smiled again, resting one hand on the opposing elbow- a gesture I'd seen him do many times, it seemed to be something of a nervous tic for him- and then, he winced.

"Are you okay?" In that moment I realised the source of the strange feeling I had. "You winced just now, and you're limping."

Our temporary teammate waved a hand, "Ah- don't worry about me. I slipped up while running earlier; my elbow got grazed in the fall. I'm fine."

"It might get infected if you don't treat it properly." I frowned, stopping. "I have ointment in my backpack, back at the room. Come and I'll lend you it."


"No buts." I interrupted, "We're gonna be working as a team in this Chunin exam- you're gonna hold us back if you're injured. So come on."

"Ah..." Masato sweated, leaning back from me slightly, "Er, okay..."

We were alone in the room together while I bandaged his ankle tightly for support. It wasn't like I was medically trained or anything but I at least knew how to do this much.

"Anywhere else?" I asked, antiseptic spray in hand, and Masato smiled and shook his head.

"No, no." He stood up, straightening his clothing. "Thank you, Sachiko-san."

I grinned, "It's nothing. Like I said; teammates have to look out for each other." I smirked teasingly at him. "You don't want to burden us, right?"

"Of course not! I'd never!" He exclaimed, flushed. Then he stood up, staring at me. "Ano.. Sachiko-san..."

I glanced at him from where I was kneeled, putting away the First aid equipment. "Yeah?"

"E-etou, would you... I mean, do you..-"

"Well, isn't this cozy." I stiffened and whirled round at the voice. Masato jumped back, the person that appeared beside him having caught him by surprise. My insides shook as I stared, hardly able to believe my eyes.


- - -

Srysry really short sry

But seemed like a good place to end it, so...


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