Chapter 29

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Two weeks later

Elora sat outside in the sunshine, her head turned towards the sky, enjoying the warmth on her face. A hot wind blew gently across her face, playfully lifting her light hair. Her body was still healing from the battle and her face was still speckled blue with bruises. Her bones were strengthening slowly thanks to the healing spells that were sold in the markets. The pain in her fingers had finally started to ease and she had begun to feel more like herself.

A shadow covered her face, blocking the light. She opened her eyes to see Thayer standing over her, his face was serious as usual. Over the past two weeks, Elora had quickly learned that Thayer almost never smiled, if he did it was just a quirk of his lips that gave it away. She was eternally thankful for him. It was because of him that she was healing, for he found them a small stone cottage on the outskirts of Alzoh, having negotiated generous terms with the landlord. It was small with two bedrooms and a common area. A large shrub acted as a tree and a patch of dried grass sat under the bench that she spent most of her afternoons on, reading the books that Thayer brought back for her.

It was a slow, peaceful life that she quite enjoyed after the past adventurous month. Sometimes her quiet thoughts were interrupted by her mother's face and the way she looked as the sword plunged into her, when that happened she allowed herself a brief moment to cry then moved on. Her sword, now clean, sat in a chest under her bed where she didn't have to look at it. She knew Thayer wanted to say something about it, he wanted to talk about what happened, but each time she would shut the conversation down. They had settled themselves into an easy routine, each morning he would venture out into Alzoh, she knew he was searching for Banu and any clues on where he might have gone. She knew she should be helping him, but she just couldn't bring herself to think about that day, she wasn't ready to face it yet.

Today however was different, today she was going to Alzoh with Thayer, much to her own dismay. She was forced to go, he had agreed not to pester her about Queen Ameda if she agreed to go with him today. With a loud groan, she stood up, feeling her joints click as she straightened up. Thayer rolled his eyes at her. "Come on, the sooner we get there, the sooner we can come home."

The trip into Alzoh wasn't particularly long, especially on horseback and whether she was ready or not, the entrance gates rose up to greet them. The guards nodded at Thayer as they entered under the arch and they were immediately greeted by hoards of people. This time Elora wasn't stared at, except for a cursory glance here and there. The dress she wore blended in with the citizens, the soft silky orange draped across her chest, leaving her shoulders bare and legs bare. The fabric was light enough to keep her cool and thick enough to maintain a level of modesty she was comfortable with.

Thayer expertly led them through the crowded streets and to the marketplace. Her dread was soon replaced by excitement and curiosity as Thayer gently lifted her off the horse and placed her on the dusty ground. The vendor next to them gestured at his colourful scarves spread out across the table while another yelled at them to buy his spices. She stuck close to Thayer as they pushed their way through the sea of shoppers.

They stopped abruptly at a man selling bottles of blue liquid Elora recognised as her medicine. Entranced she listened as Thayer negotiated with the man in their native tongue. As she listened to both of them, something caught her attention. The voices of the market began to grow louder, frantic and she strained her head to look across the crowds, she couldn't see anything. Feeling unsettled she turned her attention back to Thayer to notice that he had stopped talking and was frozen, staring at his hands.

Concerned she reached out and placed a hand on his forearm. "Thayer? What's wrong?" He didn't respond and she grew afraid. "Thayer!" She shook his arm. He didn't say anything but lifted his hands and Elora gasped. His fingertips were glowing and his hands trembled. He took a breath and looked at her.

"My's back."

"What? I don't understand, how can it be back all of a sudden." She questioned while noticing that the crowds had become more agitated, the guards shifted their feet and tightened their grip on their weapons as they too felt the change in the air.

That feeling of dread from earlier grew and blossomed inside her as she watched Thayer consider his next words carefully, his jaw clenched in fear.

"The Nmerion Wars...the time spell has been lifted." 

- THE END -  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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