"And you got the husband that you always wanted, right Renee?" Skye asked her with a devious smirk.

Renee looked at her confused.

"Husband, what are you talking about?" Renee asked her, what had she mean by that?

"Well my dad, he is like a husband to you isn't he? I mean I am more than sure that you are like a wife to him." Skye told her carefully expecting her reaction.

"Skye; is this thing what all of this is about? About your father and me, Skye you don't actually think that there is something going on between your father and I right?" Renee asked her as she looked at Skye taken aback.

Skye looked at her and simply shrugged.

"Well sometimes it seems like you two-." Skye started and stopped with a small smirk.

"Skye, I assure you that there's not, it's just business I do not look at your father that way, I know that as a mother figure you would like that more than anything for me to be with your father but I don't look at your father in that way he is my boss after all." Renee told her as she got up and got ready to leave.

Skye got up from the table and grabbed her bag.

"Renee you know you can tell when I'm lying?" Skye asked her as she eyed her.

Renee nodded.

"Yes, I can tell when you are lying and when you aren't." Renee told her as they walked to the car.

"Well I can do the same thing with you, so have it in mind." Skye said before she got in the car.


When Skye got to the house she saw that the whole pack was there, she entered the house laughing and her laughter immediately died as she saw everyone there, the air around her was tense.

"What's wrong?" She asked seeing the sudden change in the air.

Skye immediately feared the worse.

"What's wrong?" Skye asked again this time louder when nobody answered her.

Then she noticed something, Aiden was missing.

"No." Skye said scared before she rushed upstairs.

"Skye, wait don't go-." Cyrus said calling after her but she ignored him.

Skye ran up the flight of stairs and stormed into the bedroom but it was empty, Aiden wasn't there.

"Aiden, Aiden are you here?" Skye said scared as she looked around trying to find an answer.

Skye could feel her heartbeat increasing as her eyes got watery, the simple thought of Aiden being hurt or worse was unbearable, and she wouldn't be able to live through it.

"Aiden, where are you?" Skye said as she headed to where the bathroom's door was, her whole body was shaking as well as her voice.

Just as Skye was about to grab the doorknob the door was opened revealing Aiden on the other side with his hair dripping wet.

"Oh Aiden, there you are." Skye said with a small sob as she threw her arms around him.

Aiden immediately wrapped his arms around his mate confused for her odd behavior.

"Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong babe?" Aiden asked in a soft voice as he smoothed Skye's hair.

"What's wrong? I came to the house and everyone in the room had a face as if someone had died and then you were missing and I just thought that you-." Skye said as she abruptly stopped when her words became sobs.

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