Chapter 9: Showing Hopper

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I woke up after my nap with my head on Mikes shoulder and his arm around my waist. At first I was embarrassed but then he said "Hey sleepy head, you know I really missed you"  I felt calmer already.

"I missed you too" I replied

"Alright love birds lets focus" Steve exclaimed

I felt Mikes arm leave my waist and I leaned forward to properly focus.

"Right here's my idea, we go to the Police Station and bring the hospital gown and the USB drives. We bring them in a bag so we don't look sus. Then we request to speak to Hopper and tell him everything." Mike explained.

"Ok but Y/N can't come" Steve demanded

"WHAT WHY!!!?????" I shouted the annoyance running in my tone. 

"Because those men are still after you, what if they find us?"

"Then I'll use my powers, which I will also need to show to Hopper or else he won't believe us, and kill them. I also need to show my tattoo and tell the story"

"Ugh fine you can come but you have to do as I say"


With that we split between Jonathan's and Steve's cars. Mike came in Steve's with me and I kept low in the back just in case the bad men were looking for me.

Time skip to them arriving at the Police Station brought to you by Hopper Hawaiian shirt

"WE NEED TO SPEAK TO HOPPER RIGHT NOW!" Mike screamed as we marched into the station

"Mike calm down" I muttered

Hopper looked up from eating a donut and smoking a cigarette and said "Oh, right, umm, come through" clearly startled from Mike's scream.

We all crowded into his office "What seems to be the problem"

"Well, lets see, yesterday my sister Y/N came to our house after being missing for like 2 months in a chuffing hospital gown holding 10 USB drives. She looked starved and incredibly tired. Now Y/N, please show and tell Hopper what happened" Steve exclaimed

I told him everything about Hawkins Lab and showed him the hospital gowns and handed him the USB's.

I then looked through his rubbish bin "What are you doing?" He asked

"Just watch" I replied picking up an empty water bottle and setting it on the table. I stared at the bottle and it crushed a little splash of excess water dripping onto the table.

"JESUS!" Hopper screamed.

I giggled a bit and looked at Mike who gave me a thumbs up.

"So your like El now?" 

"Yes I supposed but as I was fighting in the lab something else happened that I've never seen El do before. They were holding me down and this burst of energy exploded through me, all I saw was blue coming through me and everyone was thrown backwards. They smashed against the wall and not a single person was still standing. I think I killed them" 

I felt bad. 

Those doctors were just doing their job.

"Hey don't worry, it's what you had to do" Mike comforted me and rubbed my arm. 

"Wow, ok. How about you leave these USB's with me and I'll look over them and call you. Please take down the MISSING Posters so people don't keep looking for you. We will put it in the news that your safe and well. I will look into the Lab and see what I can do" Hopper explained

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