Wild: Lost 9

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He was just having all the time in the world,
Languidly prancing, beholding every beautiful piece he can afford to hold..
All the while he thought he was giving it all the time in admiration,
All along, he wasn't actually sure,
If it's what his being had been calling for.

She's chaos and madness all out.
Sweeping every chance of magnificence she bats at, apologetic and yet, barely angelic.
She turns paths upside down, one smile at full and a heart goes frantic.

Heard of a boat being led by a blind,
And an herd led on from behind?
He was the dictator, he willingly gave the consent but not leaving the door opened.
She was the spy, she gave up her weapon but still penetrated.

An irony of both warriors who both wanted to land home but not so willingly giving the reason to the destination;
A stubborn heart; a skilled untamed vagabond.

How could a heart rest when the mind is wildly running in decathlon,
A marathon without an agreed last stop of the competition.
The mind has a heart of its own.
Thy word and thy action are its poison.


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