Chapter Eight: Skwisgaar

Start from the beginning

Skwisgaar nearly panicked when he realized that someone was already there, hidden in the shadows of the dark room, but immediately relaxed when seeing that it wasn't Nathalia, Toki, or Nathan. He didn't want to be around any of them right now.

Instead, Salem poked their head up from the fridge with a mouth full of something, eyes wide to see that they'd been caught. For whatever reason, they thought their best bet was to duck their head back in the fridge, causing Skwisgaar to snort in amusement.

"Gettinks a little snacks, eh?"

There was a long pause as Salem seemed to struggle with either swallowing whatever was in their mouth, or pushing it to the side. "Nuuuuuuuuuuh," they finally ended up mumbling.

Skwisgaar rolled his eyes. "Wells, hurry ups, I ams hungries too yous know."

Salem finally managed to ingest the food, smacking their lips for a few seconds before saying, "Now you can wait even longer." Then, they proceeded to dive back in.

Skwisgaar scoffed. "Get the fucks out of the ways before I cabinalize yous."

"Cannibalize." Salem paused to pull something out, sniff at it, then decided to place it back in and pat it timidly like it was an angry dog. "That's someone else's issue... Oh, and eat my ass."

"I could, if you wants me tos," Skwisgaar smirked, a twinkle in his eye. He wasn't a fan of the younger ones (by younger he meant people his exact age group), but Salem was okay looking enough, plus he would never say no to sex in general. Not that he expected the offer to be genuine, or that they would even take him seriously enough. However, despite all this, there was something off about Salem that made him a little less than attracted to them, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The gender wasn't an issue for him, and neither were their looks, but there was something strange about the icy sparkling eyes having a sense of familiarity that made him feel weird.

"I'm good, I don't know where you've been." Salem eyed him playfully, earning a small gasp from the Swede, even though he wasn't actually insulted, oddly enough, since he was usually offended by everything. Then their eyebrow raised as they eyed the side of Skwisgaar's face. "Wow, Nathalia really did bodyslam you too."

Skwisgaar flinched, attempting to hide the blotches with his hair. "Wh- what she has tolds you?!"

Salem shrugged. "That she got mad at you for picking a fight with Toki."

"Wells... we didn'ts really fights."

"Yeah, Toki explained a little more." When Skwisgaar gave the other a cautious look, Salem explained, "You guys had an argument and you were trying to stop him from walking away but apparently you tugged him too hard. He smacked his head and then bit through his lip. At least that's what he claims. Nathalia calls bullshit."

Skwisgaar flinched, automatically feeling guilty, and also surprised that Toki would lie for him, since technically that lip wound wasn't from smacking his head. "What does you calls?"

Salem puckered their lips a little. "I don't know, I don't really care at the moment, as long as Toki's alright." It was at that point that Skwisgaar noticed the deep bags under Salem's eyes, the paleness (more-so than usual) of their skin, and their hair was an unwashed mess. They were in a pair of black pajamas much too big for their body, and hung loosely over their shoulders and hips.

"You looks like shits," Skwisgaar commented without even really thinking, earning a weary smile from the drummer.

"Thanks, I know."

"Has you even slepts yet?"


Skwisgaar shook his head, though it wasn't that surprising. All Dethklok members had at some point pulled an all-nighter. "You shoulds probaly goes sleeps thens. And get the fucks out of my ways."

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