Chapter 4 - Arrival At Lukedonia

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As all the bags were packed aboard the plane, everyone prepared for departure. The children were laughing excitedly, the trio tried to avoid the constant threat of their Boss, the Boss doted on his beloved Master, and the Master silently listened to the giggling children. It has been a long time since he went out just for fun other than to school or the PC Cafe. Although he has been enjoying himself more as of late, had it been 900 years ago, the idea would have been instantly shot down with a "I decline." Lukedonia was quite a ways away, a five hour flight. The plane slowly quieted down. It was especially noticeable when the loudest of them all, Shinwoo, fell asleep. Well it was quieter, until the human began to snore. Rai still wondered if there was something wrong with the human. Humans shouldn't sleep that much should they? In Shinwoo's defense, he once again was captured by the thrill of battle and the taste of murder, consequently making him stay up all night.

Regis (rolled his eyes) :- "How inelegant. Seriously, humans shouldn't sleep in the daytime.

The announcement system in the airplane started abruptly with their favorite pilot, Tao, announcing., 

Tao:- "Hellooo ladies and gentlemen! We're almost to our destination, so please fasten your seatbelts..."

 in the most cool pilot-y voice he could muster. It seems they would be able to keep this plane as they would be landing safely soon. As the plane landed, the pilot seemed to release a sigh of relief in celebration of that fact. Oh how rare it was that he wouldn't have to order a new plane for the Boss. He really should get a raise. The children sweat dropped as they realized what should have been obvious. The red-head was somehow still sleeping. Yuna tried to shake him gently, but Shinwoo didn't even wake up when the announcement were blaring in his ear. Oh how he would have loved to wake up then. Unfortunately, the sleeping beauty lost his chance to wake up to a princess. Instead he got,

Mr.Park:- "Oi Shinwoo! What are you sleeping in class for! Join me for detention during lunch!"

Shinwoo (nearly jumped out of his seat):- "I wasn't sleeping sir!" 

It took him a second to register his surroundings. His fearful face turned into one of confusion then relief then anger. 

Shinwoo:- "What the hell Ikhan! I was having a good dream about-"

Shinwoo blushed and didn't say any more. 

Suyi (raised her eyebrow):- "Did you want to finish that sentence?"

Shinwoo:- "No I'm fine! Oh are we here already? Let's go!"

Ikhan:- "Wait a second Shinwoo! Tell us what your dream was about!"

That last comment fell on "deaf" ears as Shinwoo scurried away. When Shinwoo successfully escaped the conversation and made his way to the exit of the plane. On the side of the plane, there was a door that led to some stairs to the outside world. When he reached that door, he was greeted with a beautiful stretch of land filled with greenery. It gave the place a natural, refined, and faraway feel. It was like the type of place you'd see in a manga. In the center of the clearing where their plane now rested was a rather humble mansion.

Shinwoo:- "Woah, Rai! Do you live here?"

Raizel:- *nod* as he descended gracefully down the stairs. 

Shinwoo stared after him. With a single move, he could probably make the crowd on the busiest street in all of Korea stop in its tracks to stare. It could make women faint in a second and who knows how many guys question their sexuality. That man was so elegant, so refined, was he seriously a human? Plus, by the looks of this mansion and the Chairman's place, these guys had some serious cash. Seriously, he could kidnap any man or woman and they would have no complaints.

Ikhan:- "Oi Shinwoo move your fat belly! You're in the way!"

Suyi:- "Yeah, how do you expect us to get out when you're blocking the view!"

Yuna:- "I wanna see the outside too! Your face makes me curious!"

Ikhan:- "I still wanna know what he was dreaming about."

Shinwoo looked back at the person who commented on that. Hoping to avoid that question, he scurried off once again to get his luggage. The Trio had already unloaded their bags and began carrying it all to the mansion. Yuna began walking towards the mansion, in astonishment she exclaimed, 

Yuna:- "Amazing! It's so beautifull! Rai you live there?"

Raizel:- *simply nodded his head*.

Ikhan (who was also amazed looked at Rai) :- "Don't just nod! You live in a freaking mansion! A MANSION!"

Raizel:- "What else should I do?" 

Rai replied in honest bewilderment. Was that a little spice they heard coming from Rai? Nope, it wasn't. Rai didn't have even a hint of a mean bone in his body. Well, to be fair, it was Rai, he never really did brag about things. In fact he hardly actually spoke. For the most part he just used his subtle facial expressions to pass on his commentary. It was surprisingly effective. The children settled down in the mansion. Frankenstein motioned for the children to follow him. He gave the children a small tour of the place before showing them the rooms they could stay in. There were so many, and they were all clean, so it didn't particularly matter which room they stayed in. Admittedly it was mainly because having the choice would make the children happy, which in turn made his master happy. Once the children were settled in Frankenstein went to work in preparing dinner. Not before he served Rai his tea of course. The children gathered in Shinwoo's room. Like the other rooms, it had a luxurious and regal feel. They were discussing together regarding some of the new bits of information they learned about their regal friend, Rai.

Shinwoo:- "Who knew Rai lived in a place like this huh?"

Suyi:- "Shinwoo, you could tell by his name that he lived somewhere like this."

Yuna:- "Suyi! Be nice to Shinwoo! He's just a little slow."

Suyi:- "Ouch Yuna. Look who's talking."

Shinwoo felt a small stab from those words.

Shinwoo:- "Anyway guys, you know I was wondering... do you think Rai is basically some prince or something?"

Suyi:- "Shinwoo weren't you listening to Raskreia? She said he was something called the 'Noblesse.'

Yuna:- "Suyi's right, Shinwoo. Are yoou sure you weren't half asleep when she explained it to us?"

Suyi (giggled):- "That's most certainly a possibility."

Noticing that their computer geek has been quiet, they looked towards the small table he had placed his laptop. He walked around with laptop cord in hand as if looking for something, looking deathly pale.

Ikhan:- "Hey guys, where's the outlets? The lights? TV? Anything?"

In a panic, they looked around but to no avail. Finally, Suyi checked her phone. 

Suyi:- NO WIFI."Can we go home now?"

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