"Well if somebody doesn't remind you then you won't. Now take the pills so you don't die." She said sitting down. "Now for your daily checkup. Have you been feeling any abdominal pain?" She asked.

"Just a little. Nothing major." I said making her raise a brow. "I'm serious. It's nothing major."

"Next question. Any discomfort or unbearable feelings?" She asked making me shake my head. "Finally, any trouble with your bowel movements?" She asked with a smile. "No Jessica, I've been shitting just fine." I said. "That's wonderful."

We were interrupted by a knock on my door. I started to get up but she stopped me. "Nope, I got it." She said. "I'm not crippled."

"Shut up."

She walked off going to open the door. I could here slight yelling followed by footsteps approaching me.

It was my mom.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked getting up. "Checking on my son. How you doing baby?" She asked. "Don't fucking baby me bitch."

"You watch your mouth boy." She said slapping me. "Don't fucking touch him!" Jessica yelled. "You're little girlfriend here disrespected me at the hospital. Are you really going to be with someone who doesn't even respect me."

"I don't even respect you. I don't even give a fuck about you.." I said. "Son." She said grabbing my hand.

"Look at me mama. Look at me, in my eyes." I said getting in her face. "I can tell by how dilated your pupils are that you off that shit again. The exact same way you looked the night you walked out on me and dad. The night he left to find you and got killed in a car accident. So if you think, you bout to come in here, off drugs, and putting hands on me, and think I'm bout to fucking respect you. You can think the fuck again. You ain't my mama. You aint nobody but a junkie off the streets." I said.

"You don't mean that Isaiah."

"I meant every fucking word. And for all I care, you can let those fucking drugs kill you and rot on the street. Get the fuck out my house." I said. "Isaiah." She said with tears in her eyes.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked as I sat back down. "Yep. I'm great." I said. "Are y-" I cut her off. "Let's change the subject. What happened with you and Joshua?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"

"That day at the hospital. Why'd you come back early from your date?" I asked. "I told you I got bored."

"You don't like when I lie to you Jessica. So don't lie to me." I said. "Keaunte told you didn't he." She sighed. "I want you tell me what happened."

"Look he tried to rape me and it didn't happen. End of discussion." She said. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "Because I knew that you would do something stupid in revenge." She said.

"And you went and did something stupid didn't you?" She asked realizing I wasn't saying anything. "Isaiah what did you do? Did you fight him?"

"No I didn't fight him. I promised you, remember?"

"So what did you do? Oh my- you didn't kill him did you?" She asked. "Jessica no. I had some old friends, teach him a lesson. He might not never walk the same but, he'll live." I shrugged. "I don't even want to know what that means."

**Later That Night**

~Jessica POV

I looked over at Isaiah's who's eyes were glued to the TV. "You're staring at me so that means you want to tell me something." He said pausing the TV. "It's nothing." I said. "Come on, talk to me. What is it?"

"Are we friends?"

"I mean, are we not?" He asked confused by the question. "I mean yes we're friends. But like, is there more to us than just friends. Because ever since you said that you loved me at the park that day, I couldn't stop thinking about you. What we could be right now if we were together." I said. "Jessica you d-" I cut him off.

"Let me finish. I want a relationship with you. Not this. Not us acting like friends when we both know how we feel for each other. And I know that you have had your heartbroken by a girl that you loved so you think that it'll be hard for you to love again but I'm not her. I would never do something like that to you. I know we've had our ups and downs almost every day but I can't be the only one that feels like we're meant to be. I want something real. I want something real with you. I want you." She said.

He got up moving closer to me on the couch. My heartbeat sped up as he looked me in my eyes. "I love you." He said kissing me. The kiss lasted a few seconds before I broke it.

"I love you too."


~ashkash2 💋

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