Supprise Visit

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"Like actually. How did you get our address?" He asked again.

I spoke up. "Phil."

Wilbur quickly brought discord and called Phil.

"Hello?" He answered.

"WHY DID YOU GIVE THE CHILD MY ADDRESS?" He yelled. Phil just laughed.

"Because they asked nicely." Phil responded.

Wilbur sighed and hung up. He looked up and saw the bags with the children. "I'm guessing your sleeping here?"

"That's exactly what y/n said!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"Great minds think alike." I spoke taping my temple twice. We quickly set up two air mattresses up for the children in our office. We also locked our computers so Tommy couldn't break into them and start streaming.


"So why are you here?" Wilbur asked. We all still stood in the office. I hadn't moved from the door way yet. Even while they set up their sleeping arrangements I stayed put. I was still extremely sore.

"We missed you!" Tubbo spoke.

"No. You missed them. I'm here because you dragged me." Tommy retorted.

"Liar. This was your idea." Tubbo spoke again.

"AWEEE! Did WITTLE TOMMY MWISS US?" Wilbur spoke out in a baby voice.

"No!" Tommy yelled.

"Why don't we all go watch a movie and I'll order dinner yeah?" I asked. There was a collective nod as the boys walked past me and I shuffled into wills and my bedroom to order some Chinese food.


After the call I shuffled back out and onto the couch flopping onto the three seater with my head in wills lap and my feet up on the arm rest on the other side. Tommy and Toby were sitting on the other couch.

"What movie we watching?" Tommy asked.

"Deadpool?" Toby asked.

"Nope! That's raided r. I don't want to watch something like that with you till your older." Wilbur chuckled out.

"How about black panther?" Tommy asked.

"Go see if it's in the movie cabinet." I replied pointing to a shelf packed with movies.

"Don't you have like Netflix or Disney plus?" Toby asked.

"Nope. Don't need it. I have a large movie collection and if we want to watch another movie, we just go out and get it at the shops." I replied. Wilbur started drawing shapes on my shoulder while Tommy fiddled with the DVD player.

"Ready boys?" He asked. We all nodded and he put in the movie. A little ways in, there was a knock at the door which Tucker went nuts over. Toby quickly grabbed his collar pulling him away from the door and back into the sitting area. Wilbur payed the man and grabbed our takeout before handing it out to everyone.

We all ate rather quickly because we were hungry. When I laid back down my shorts rode up a little on my leg.

"Hey y/n?" Toby spoke out.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"What's that on your leg?" He asked.

I quickly looked down and saw part of Soot peaking from under my shorts.

"Oh! I cut myself while shaving." I replied pulling my shorts down a bit so they covered the carving that Wilbur made the night before. I blushed at the thought of the boys seeing what was actually there.

"Ah. Wait... Women shave their legs?" Toby asked.

"Yes Toby, Women shave their legs."

"Do I need to shave my legs?"

"No Toby. You don't need to shave your legs. You can if you want, but straight males don't usually do that." I replied.

"Why do you shave your legs?"

"Because I like the way it feels."

"Can I touch your leg?"

"Uh... I guess..." Toby stood up and weirdly rubbed my calf.

"Woah. That's so soft." Toby exclaimed.

"Really? I Wana touch!" Tommy yelled leaning over the arm rests to feel my leg.

"This is weird please stop touching my leg." They both backed off. I quickly put a blanket over my legs, then we pressed play on the movie.

Wilbur chuckled at what just happened. He lifted my shorts under the blanket and started rubbing the carving with his thumb. He whispered in my ear,

"That was close." I nodded back.

After the movie, we all went to our designated sleeping areas and went to sleep ready for a new day.


Hehehe. Did you enjoy? Do you shave your legs? Let me know! I personally do shave them in the summer, but during the winter, I grow out my hair for an extra layer of warmth in my legs. Lol

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