Bumper Cars

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"So, wot do ya wanna do first Queenie?" Crowley beamed as he led Eden through the crowd of people. "There's the Cliffhanger, the Bumper Cars, that Claw Machine thingy with the stuffed animals, I can get ya another stuff animal form their or from one of the game booths, oh, there's the Bounty Tower!" Crowley grabbed Eden by the hand, gaining speed. "There's the Fun Slide! You've always loved that one, when you were little, you would sit on my lap and we'd slide down together." Crowley smiled at the memory, feeling a little ache in his chest because she wasn't little anymore.

"Queenie?" Crowley turned when he realized that Eden hadn't said anything in reply. "What's wrong love?" he stopped when he saw that Eden looked blue.

"I wanted this day to be perfect for Gabriel; he's never been to a carnival before and now he probably won't want to do anything like this again...." Eden looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Queenie." Crowley pulled her into a hug and summoned the strength to say the words out loud. "Your Papa will have him as good as new in no time, and he's head over heels for you, as much as I hate to say it. He's not gonna let anything stop him from enjoying this carnival."

"You really think so?" Eden's eyes met his, blue serpentine eyes meeting amber orange.

"I know so." Crowley brushed a stray curl out of her face. "Now, let's go have some fun so we can figure out which rides that Archangel might like to try once he's feeling better."

Eden smiled, a smile that was the spitting image of Aziraphale's. "Race ya to the Bumper Cars." Eden broke into a run.

"Hoi! I wasn't ready!" Crowley laughed as he caught up to her in no time, the Bumper Cars waiting for them.

Bad Omens: The Carnival (Novella)Where stories live. Discover now