Just The Two Of Us?

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"Thank you for breakfast Papa." Eden said as she pecked Aziraphale on the cheek.

"Where are you off too?" Crowley arched an eyebrow as he watched Eden refill Star's kibble and water dish. Eden had eaten her breakfast rather quickly, which was odd. Like her Papa, Eden would take time to enjoy her meal, savoring every bite.

"I gotta get dressed and head over to the Falls, Gabriel and I wanna head over to the carnival early before it gets too crowded."

"Wot, but Queenie!" Crowley rose from the table and followed Eden as she made her way back upstairs.

"I thought we could go to the carnival for awhile, ya know, just the two of us and hang out. Like we used to do every year....."

Eden glanced over her shoulder, "Maybe another day Daddy. Gabe and I already planned this in advance. We got the entire week to hang out at the carnival."

Crowley sighed as he watched Eden go back into her room. Ever since the Archangel got his own cell phone thanks to Aziraphale's recommendation, he and Eden had been texting each other non-stop.

Crowley had considered cutting the WiFi when the whole thing started. He liked it better when it was just him, Aziraphale and Eden.

Bad Omens: The Carnival (Novella)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang