Sushi Socks and Hot Dogs

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"I'm so excited that you're going to your first carnival!" Eden said, squeezing Gabriel's hand tightly as the two of them made their way towards St James Park, where everything had just been set up.

" Yes! We're just in time!" Eden exclaimed. She and Gabriel had flown and coming early was definitely the right call. No one saw them or their giant wings, which they quickly hid without any effort.

"Ooooh, the booths and food trucks are just opening up, which means we won't get stuck in line!"

Eden turned to Gabriel, who had already been briefed on the variety of foods that would be at the carnival.

"What would you like to try first Gabriel?" Eden asked, "Would you rather look at the rides first? It's best not to get on a ride with a full stomach.....I learned that the hard way...."

"I would very much like to try a hot dog, did I say that right?"

Eden grinned. "Yes."

Gabriel nodded. "Hot dog. And don't you worry; my body is a temple that can endure any obstacle." He stuck out his chest, hoping to impress her.

Gabriel felt his knees weaken as she smiled up at him. "Well come on then! I'm starving and I'm going to eat every single thing that's here!" The carnival was only once a year after all.

As the two waited for the Archangel's hot dog, Gabriel found himself lost in Eden's blue serpentine gaze as she talked with him. He enjoyed all of their conversations, even if it was something as nonsensical as water sliding off of ducks.

He admired her dark red curls, her tartan bow barrette perched proudly on the right side of her head, in the exact spot it had been on the day he met her. He didn't know why, but he glanced towards the ground and was drawn by her dark red socks.

"Do you have sushi on your socks?"

Eden grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, don't you remember? I got two pairs of these on my birthday from my parents. I wasn't able to wear them because I was stuck in bed for so long.....and everything that was going on in Paris, I didn't get the chance to wear them at all."

Gabriel felt a pang as he recalled everything Eden and her family had been through, still blaming himself for failing to protect her.

Eden, seeing the sad look that crossed Gabriel's face so she smiled, determined to cheer him up. "But now I'm wearing them and they are adorable! Look closer, they have little smiley faces on them and they match my red converse sneakers perfectly!"

Gabriel looked closer and sure enough, the little pink, orange and white sushi rolls had little smiley faces on them. The Archangel then remembered Eden's face lighting up when she tore off the wrapping paper, revealing her new pairs of socks.

"Your hot dog's ready!" Eden dashed to the food truck's overhang, thanking the woman who had prepared the hot dog and handed it to Gabriel. "Now, let's go to the Raman truck. The smell of those noodles are driving me mad!"

Bad Omens: The Carnival (Novella)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang