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"Are you sure you wanna go on a ride?" Eden asked Gabriel. Although Gabriel didn't eat as much as her and her parents, it was still quite a lot of food.

"I'll be fine Edie." Gabriel reassured. "A human contraption won't have any effect on me whatsoever I assure you."

"A little dangel*said that in the days of yore...." Crowley said ominously, cocking his head at Eden, who looked at the grass, a bit sheepish.

"She said, "Dada I'll be fine! I just ate one funnel cake and three hot dogs!". But she wasn't fine, Archangel, not at all! That funnel cake and those three hot dogs ended up all over my new pair of black pants and we were stuck with a sick kid."

"It was quite awful." Aziraphale said, shaking his head sadly. Although Crowley's pants had been saved by a miracle, poor Eden was quite miserable. It took Eden quite some time before she even summoned the courage to try the bigger rides again.

"Aw Horse Feathers." Eden muttered as Crowley continued. "Now if you're not careful Archangel, you might just end up like my new pants....they've never smelled the same ever since that day...."

"Oh Crowley stop it! You'll scare the poor thing!" Aziraphale scolded as the four of them dumped their rubbish.

"I want to try that one." Gabriel said, pointing to a very odd looking ride.

"The Kamikaze?" Eden gasped. "Are you sure? It swings you back and forth, several times."

"It looks interesting." Gabriel said, making his way towards the Kamikaze. Eden had a bad feeling about this.....

*Dangel: angel/demon hybrid. Eden doesn't mind if it sounds ridiculous or silly, or even a bit sexual (Her words not mine!) It's simple and easy to remember.

Bad Omens: The Carnival (Novella)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz