Book 2 Chapter 24 (The Deep End)

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A/N - The next chapter is gonna close this book, after that we'll be going on too book 3. Think I'm gonna introduce New Wave Gessen and Crimson at the beginning of Book 3, before everyone goes to the EV island. So I hope you all are looking forward too that.

Also I hope you all enjoy the 'reveal' at the end of the chapter. (You may have been able to guess it)


Asukasa Streets

Y/N and the rest of Crimson Squad were currently walking around the streets, specifically past the market stalls. It had been around 2 weeks since Homura was nearly assassinated at Hebijo, Y/N had been spending time with alot of the shinobi in this time. However all of this 'fun' Y/N had been having came at one huge cost, literally. Y/N was flat broke again, none of the Crimson Squad had ate in about a day as even Yomi's bean sprout reserves had ran short due to her being over zelous in aiding the people in the slums. Don't misunderstand, Yomi did a good thing, but now no one in your squad could really eat anything. So there you all were, walking through the streets, trying to find the cheapest meal that you could. Though with only 300 yen... that would be tough...

Homura specifically had seemingly taken this the hardest as -

Homura - *Trance like* "Meat... Juicy meat in my mouth..."

Y/N - *Grins* "You know I - *Gets elbowed in the stomach by Mirai* Urgh!"

Mirai - "Stop pretending your eating meat Homura! Just listening to you is making my stomach growl."

Hikage - "I may not have emotions, but I still have caloric needs."

Yomi - "Winter is a harsh season for the poor..."

Y/N - "Oh yeah... it's gonna be winter soon..."

Yomi - "That means crops are going to be harder to grow and harvest."

Haruka - *Looking up* "Oh? They sell meat buns here."

Y/N - *Turning around* "Ladies, allow me to work my magic!"

Crimson Squad - "?"

Y/N - "Heh... *Turns to the stand* Excuse me? Is Meimei on shift? May I speak to her?"

Shop Keep - "Oh? Your Y/N are you not! My you are looking well! Please I will go and get her!" *Walks off*

Homura - "What's that about?"

Y/N - "I'm friends with a girl here... wonder if she'll be fine with a I owe you, kind of thing..."

Haruka - "You really get around don't you darling."

Mirai - "Seem's like a fancy way of begging though..."

Y/N - "Oh? And who spent the last of our funds on a graphics card AND got overcharged too?"

Mirai - *Growls*

Hikage - "You could se-"

Mirai - "ENOUGH! I'll beg..."


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