Book 2 Chapter 23 (The Lions Den)

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A/N - Took me a while but got it! 

Now i'm just gonna chuck this here? I guess... Do you guys still think the Taimanins should make a appearence? I have started to mention them a bit. And I still have a lot of ground I want to cover with Y/N's story. I have a story in mind I could go with a SK and "Taimanin Crossover". So please let me know. (If this does happen i'm gonna make ALL characters students (Basically bending Taimanin over backwards to fit a bit better)) If you want more details on what I mean feel free to ask.

Oh and, I know I ask a lot of stuff in these A/N, the reason why is I still love the idea of asking you all what you want too see, as always i'm open to suggestions and feedback. 

(Could take me some time to respond like... I work quite a lot...)


Zodiac Star Mansion

Y/N had walked down the streets of Asakusa, he had just finished work (As you had to go to work after leaving Gessen), and it was getting rather late... but you did give Leo your word. Due to the actions of Ginrei you were on your guard however. Leo would never harm you... but the rest of the squad were either unknown or already tried to kill you. 
So not a good start then. 
Y/N had actually had visited Leo's mansion once, back with his old squad however it was his first time coming here alone. Y/N and Leo had already had been friendly, though you both had never really talked much. Usually when you visited it was Leo and Hestia who always talked, they grew up together afterall. 

Y/N looked around checking his surroundings, you noticed a presence behind you. You even knew who it was, it was Ginrei. She was actually pretty stealthy, and you would probably had not even noticed her if you didn't live with Hikage (Who was both incredibly fast and stealthy) Though you walked on towards where you were pretty sure the mansion actually was, ignoring her. After all if you drew your weapons or confronted her things may have just escalated to a point where you could have turned Leo against you.

Eventually however you saw the mansion appear in front of you, you walked over to the gate of the mansion, the gate was painted a metallic black colour with white brick walls going around the perimeter of the property. It was on a private estate so you looked to the gate and pressed the buzzer, trying to get in to the building. Though no one answered. So you pressed it again, then again, again, again. You did this until you were pressing the button with a speed that would rival the rate of fire of a machinegun. Eventually you got a response (What a surprise) a man in a black suit. He seemed annoyed surprisingly and asked why you were here. Though a voice from behind him stopped him. She had a selection of large blades that she sheathed up the sleeve of her outfit, she looked at you with a warm smile that reminded you of Haruka.

???????? - *Playfully* "My my what do we have here? I assume you are Y/N? and are here too see Lady Leo? I must say however I would be flattered if you came to see me

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???????? - *Playfully* "My my what do we have here? I assume you are Y/N? and are here too see Lady Leo? I must say however I would be flattered if you came to see me."

Senran Kagura x Male Reader (The Wildcard)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя