Wait is that a symptom of pregnancy?

I took in deep breaths to calm myself down. I was making myself anxious for no reason. One- I'm on the pill, two- he used a condom, three- all the Lycans said it was hard for Lycans to have babies, almost impossible so if I think about it like that, Vladamir is practically sterile!

I'm okay, I'm not pregnant because Vladamir is sterile.

"Why would you say that?" A deep voice questioned from across the room causing me to scream. "I apologise, I didn't mean to scare you."

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Wha- Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?" I yelled as I stared at the blonde-haired man who was leaning against the doorframe.

The man raised his hands up and took a step closer. "My name is Mikhail and I'm a friend of Vladamir's."

"Vladamir has friends?" I questioned as I eyed my phone that was lying a few inches away from me on the bed.

The man let out a laugh. "You're funny, I like that."

I wasn't trying to be funny, it was a serious question.

"I'm here to help you take all your stuff to Vladamir's house." He had a stronger accent than Vladamir and I narrowed my eyes as I tried to figure out where he was from.

"Where's Sven?" I questioned as I slowly moved closer to my phone.

"Downstairs. Are you almost done?"

I grabbed my phone and the man raised his light eyebrows. "I'm not going to hurt you Leanne."

"It's Leah."

"Leah." He looked towards the suitcases and nodded. "Are these done?"

"Yeah." I watched as he lifted four up with no hesitation.

"For the record I don't think Vladmair is sterile or infertile." Mikhail started walking down the stairs and I followed him.

"Can you forget you heard that? Oh and can you not mention that to Vladamir?" I asked hopefully as he passed the suitcases to Sven who took them silently.

"Our little secret." He winked at me. He then stretched out his hand, I looked at it for a couple of seconds before shaking it. "It's lovely to meet you Leah, I have a feeling we're going to get along really well."

"I still have a bit more packing to do." I told him as I let go of his hand. I was going to say something else when his phone rang.

"Privet Vladamir." He said into the phone as he turned away from me.

I moved away from him to give him privacy as I looked at my own phone. I had a lot of missed calls from Nina and texts which I was not looking forward to returning.

Mikhail continued to talk in a different language, his eyes flickering to me at times. I decided now would be a good time to finish packing the rest of my stuff. I was done with my bedroom, spare bedroom, and bathroom. I just needed to pack up the living room and kitchen. I also had a box filled with my important documents such as my passport, birth certificate and qualifications. I didn't want to take them to Vladamir's house so would have to drop them off to my parents before I moved in with him.

I wasn't sure how I would explain this to my parents, easiest thing would be to say Vladamir and I are in a relationship and we moved in together. I would have to make it look and sound believable or else they would think he's holding me hostage- which isn't that far from the truth.

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