Chapter 35

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A/n:minorish SA warning for this chapter for unwanted kiss

Ace knowing all those languages is actually pretty cool,I only know English but I'd love to speak French but can't
"If you're not staying you better get going if you want to get home before late" Martin says and I nod
"I don't know they won't miss me I can take my time unless you know you want me to go in which case is totally fine" I say and he shakes his head
"No it's fine I was just wondering since you told us earlier you were just staying for dinner" he says and I nod
"Come on let's watch a movie then" Jackson says turning the tv to our Netflix

Ace pov:

"Hey I have a lot of homework to do and I know it's bad etiquette but ace can you drive Erin home?" Jackson says as Erin goes to put on her shoes
"Yeah sure" I say
"On the way back can you buy some more milk?" Kate asks and I nod
"Yeah Uh what kind?" I ask since she buys both almond milk and regular because Martin is dairy intolerant
"Regular" she says and I nod
"Bring home chips too" Bella calls from downstairs in the basement
"Wait don't use your card here" Kate says and gives me a 50 dollar bill
"Why the 50?" I ask
"I don't know get yourself a drink or something" she says and I frown it's not really like her to not be very specific about money

I put my phone on the aux when I get in the truck and she smiles
"Oh wait for you want to put on your own music or is mine fine?" I ask and she shakes her head
"Yours is good actually I kinda like it" she says as bitter by FLETCHER flows through the truck speakers
"So you like fletcher?" I ask and she shrugs
"Never heard her music before"she says and I nod
"So then what kind of music do you like?" I ask
"I don't know I listen to all types of music even country if it's a good song" she says and I laugh
"Well one things for sure,we are not having country in this car" I say and she laughs
"Got any neighbourhood songs?" She asks and I nod
"Here" I say and give her my phone so I can focus on driving

I drop her off and head to the only good grocery store here in my opinion
"Hey Sam" I say seeing him working at one of the tills
"oh hey ace long time no see" he says and I nod
"Your Clubs have you running all over the place" I say and he nods
"I can sit with you on Monday though" he says
"Well Nice of you to fit us into your busy schedule" I say jokingly and he chuckles
"Yeah" he says then a person comes up the till he's running so we can't talk but I guess it's for the best since I have my own shopping to do

I grab the milk and am just turning to go into chip aisle when I crash into someone
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I say reaching down to pick up the jug of milk which luckily didn't break open
"Oh ace" The girl says and I look back up to find Willow
"Willow" I say flatly
"I didn't mean to run into you like that" she says and I nod
"It's fine" I say but as I make a move to walk past her she blocks my path
"I told you when you went to New York I wanted to talk like for real not argue in drama class" she says taking a step towards me
"And I told you we're just friends" I say and she frowns
"And I told you I didn't want to be and that we could fix this" she says taking another step until we're face to face
"No" I say
"Just one last kiss otherwise I might have to rethink my no more crime policy" she says angrily and I frown,I have no idea what to do
"What would you do?" I ask kinda curious
"Just shut up and kiss me" she says then before I can even get the first syllable of a word out her lips crash into mine

I try to shove her off but she's got a firm grip on me and I have the gallon of milk in my hand
"Now was that so hard?" She asks pulling away and all I want to do is get out of here
"Leave me the fuck alone I don't want anything to do with you anymore" I say and she looks stunned but I don't care because she lets me push past her
"Hey juvie you look pretty chummy with her isn't that the girl who climbed through your window" a random person I don't know but I do know she hangs with Paige says and I frown
"Like I said to her leave me alone" I say and walk up to the till
"You're looking a little upset" she says raising an eyebrow
"I just got sexually assaulted not to mention what you just said so yeah kinda" I say rolling my eyes at her

I get to my room and I just break down crying which I think surprised Bella who was in the bathroom across the hall
"Hey ace what happened? I've never seen you cry never cry" she says and I wipe my eyes quickly
"She ambushed me at the store and kissed me she fucking kissed me when I said no" I say and she frowns
"Should I bring one of those huge garbage bags from the basement for you?" She asks and I laugh
"Did anyone see?" She asks and I nod
"Yes and she's friends with a bully"
"You get bullied?" She asks in disbelief
"Yeah I know I guess it's because I'm too passive to do anything" I say and she nods
"You passive,never would've guessed" she says sarcastically

Heyo hope everything is well and here's the next chapter.stay healthy and safe y'all -Kat :)

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