"Hey, do you want to toss this ball around with us?" Hunter asks.

"Sure why not."

We tossed the ball around in a triangle for about 15 minutes when Grayson said that I should pitch to him. So that's what I did for the next 15 minutes until Hunter decided he wanted to pitch some.

I was handing the ball to him when I heard Grayson say, "Hey, Alexis you are a really good pitcher and I'm not just saying that because you are my little sister. Have you thought about wanting to play on a team again?"

I've thought about it actually but I just don't think I can. I have really missed playing softball. Especially when I watched Tyler, Grayson and Hunter play baseball it would make me think about how good I could actually be if I just started playing again but I always pushed those thoughts away since I didn't want to accomplish anything without my mom by my side since softball was our thing that we did together.

"Uh thanks but no not really. I don't think I really want to play on team. I'm really not that good anyway. I haven't played in 2 years."

I looked at Hunter and I'm pretty sure he knew I was hiding something but he didn't ask.

"No sis you really are good. You should think about playing on the high school team. I heard that they need a pitcher," I heard Tyler say from the back door.

When did he get there?

"I don't know guys. I don't think I want to."

"Lexie I know there's another reason why you don't want to play? Why?" Hunter asks me with a hint of concern in his voice.

He always knows. Why does he always have to know? 

"Ugh fine. I don't want to play because it was moms and my thing. She always took me to practice and games. She also would help me get better since she used to play when she was a kid. I just don't want to play and accomplish anything without her in the stands cheering me on and celebrating with me. It just feels wrong. I did play it at first after she died because it made me feel closer to her but over time it just made me feel upset that she wasn't there to cheer me on so that's why I quit."

I looked at all three of my brothers. I don't even know what they are thinking. 

Tyler walks over to me and looks me in the eyes and says, "Alexis, I remember mom telling dad and all of us that she was so happy that you were following in her footsteps. She was so proud of you. She couldn't wait to see you play for a college team one day like she did. She wouldn't of wanted you to quit she would of wanted you to continue in her footsteps and continue playing the sport that both you and her loved. Even though she isn't physically here she is in your heart and she is watching over you every single day. She is cheering you on in heaven. I promise that you will feel so much closer to her once you start playing again I know that for sure."

Since when did my most annoying brother become so wise?

I look up at him and say, "Thank you, Tyler. I never knew mom was happy that I was following in her footsteps. I will definitely think about maybe joining the team." I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Wait when did you become so wise and smart? I would of excepted Grayson to say something like that but not you."

He looked at me with a fake hurt expression and says, "I feel offended. I can be wise when I feel like it, shortie."

"Ok then."

"Anyway I originally came out here to say that the game I was watching ended and wanted to see if you guys wanted to play Little League World Series Baseball game on the Xbox?"

Grayson and Hunter both just nodded. I responded to him saying, "Omg yes! I call dibs on being Gray's partner. He is way better at the game than either of you."

Grayson just chuckled while both Hunter and Tyler groaned.

"You know what it doesn't matter because this time Hunter and I are going to beat you," Tyler said with so much confidence.

"Mhm sure. Good luck with that."

Grayson and I haven't lost any of the 10 games we have played against Hunter and Tyler in the past month. You can say that Grayson and I are super competitive. We don't like to lose. I run into the living room and grab a controller. Grayson comes in and sits by me.

"Are you ready beat them again, little sis,"Grayson whispered to me.

"Yes I am big bro," I say while smiling.

"What is Gray and mini Gray whispering about over there?"

Oh yeah and even though Hunter is my twin and we look alike I also resemble Grayson more than any of my other brothers with my personality so they like to call me mini gray.


Hunter and Tyler sit down on the other side of me and we start playing the game. We were in the bottom of of the 6th inning which was the last inning of the game. Grayson and I were up batting. That's when Bryce and Jake walk in. Bryce was cheering for Grayson and I and Jake was cheering for Tyler and Hunter. The score was 2-3. Grayson and I were losing by one run and this was our last chance.

"Come on Gray we have to get at least two more runs to win the game. We got this."

Gray hit a double and it was my turn to bat. Hunters character throws a nice pitch straight down the middle and I swung and hit a home run. Game over.

Gray and I both jump up in excitement.


I look at Hunter and Tyler who look
super annoyed. What do I do as their little sister? Annoy them more.

So I walk over to them and say, "Haha we beat you again. No one can beat the champs of this game!"

Hunter and Tyler just give each other a look. Uh oh. Before I could process anything they both grab me and start tickling me. I'm super ticklish so of course I start giggling.

About a minute later I say in between giggles, "Stop that tickles... haha stop I can't breath."

They then let me go and I run behind Bryce so they can't try and tickle me again.

Times like these make me really love my brothers.

"Bryce, what's for dinner?" Jake asks.

"How about we go out and eat at Texas Roadhouse?"


Everyone just laughs at my Statement.

"What? They are. You can't deny it and if you do you are just lying to yourself."

"Ok kiddo whatever you say," Jake says to me.

"Everyone go upstairs and get ready to leave in the next 15 minutes," Bryce says.


This is probably one of the longest chapters I have written so far. Don't get used to it because it won't happen often.

Since I've posted around 8 chapters now I would really appreciate it if some people could comment and tell me what they think about the story.

Life with 6 brothers *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now