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I looked out the window of my boyfriends room to see crowds beginning to gather for the scare games kick off, I was in his room getting dressed.

While I waited for Johnny who was downstairs with the rest of the ROR's I saw the different fraternities gather in front of the small stadium.

'I wonder if Mike is still potentially interested in the scare games, I do think it would be cool if he tried to join a fraternity, possibly make some more friends, I wonder what Randy's up too?'

I hear the bedroom door creak open, just slightly. 

"Here's Johnny!"  (Hah The Shining Hah🙄)

The purple horned monster sticks his head out from the door frame with a devilish look. 

I dead pan my eyes to his. 

"Have you forgotten my immunity to horror movies." I ask, speaking with zero emotion in my voice. "I've watched that one like a hundred times."

Johnny chuckles, "Oh c'mon, have you not seen me babe?" 

I smirk, I can't deny that he is pretty scary.  Plus he's going to be showing that off in the scare games soon.

Johnny walks in leaning against the door as I put my hair in a ponytail.  "Are you excited for the games?"  He asks.

"You bet!  I can't wait to experience them for the first time since I know you've been participating for a couple years now." I say, my tail wagging behind me.

I remember Sullivan being kicked out of the ROR's fraternity, realizing that Johnny doesn't have enough members. "Hey don't you need someone to fill in for Sullivan?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I got it covered. Me and the boys scoped someone out, we'll meet him at the kickoff." He reassures me.

"Well that's good, so your all set then!" I say optimistically looking out the window at the growing crowd outside.

Johnny eye's me, "Well I wished I could see you participating, I know you have what it takes to compete."

I roll my eyes.  "Okay smart guy, even if I am scary enough I don't think I'd want to put that much attention onto myself, that's a you thing."

I walk over to my boyfriend, putting a hand on his chest. "But I can certainly cheer you on."  I smirk.

Johnny smiles leaning down to quickly kiss me.

"Alright Y/N, we should head out now before it starts."

We quickly fled down the stairs to the front door.

"You know another advantage you'd have if you were competing by the way, your the only one of us with wings."  Johnny says sliding his hand across my wings.

My body jitters and I instinctually start to growl, I hiss fiercely at Johnny, he flinched back but only responds by laughing. "You only just proved my point further!"

I cross my arms and let out a 'hmph', narrowing my eyes, but a sly smile lies on my face.

"Don't test it."

(Time skip to the Scare Games Kick Off)
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(Time skip to the Scare Games Kick Off)****brought to you by this image

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