Chapter 37 - Master of Shizengan

Start from the beginning

My eyes looks up at my grandmother's reflection. Her expression is calm unlike mines. I continue to speak, "I didn't stop Sasuke from leaving the village. I let Shun died to Deidara. I kept the secret that Deidara was alive and joined Sasuke. Leading my friends to hate me. I failed again to bring Sasuke back. Most of all... I let the clan down..."

I look at my own reflection now. Seeing the nasty face I'm wearing. The face of someone who tried to do everything right, but ruins it. I squeeze my fist tight and bite my tongue from crying.

"When there's so much poison inside you, it's instant without a cure, but there is one," Grandmother said but I didn't look at her. "That cure is to forgive yourself. Stop thinking the negatives of what you had done. Don't replay the past and wish for it to be different. You'll only die from it."

Grandmother taps the water to ripple again. Showing me a new reflection of me with my friends. It made me smile lightly. Another ripple comes and the reflection changes to two girls. Both around my age. Smiling like they're having the time of their lives. Their eyes glow of blue like the Water Shizengan. I look up at my grandmother who only smiles at her reflection.

"You blamed yourself for taking Naku's eyes and never giving it back," I said to her after realizing those girls are my grandmother and Naku when they were young. "And you knew where she was. That's why you told mother to give her a letter when you died."

"Two blind women... One who's eyes were pulled out from her... One who's sight was taken from her... Both were tricked by the same monster," She said calmly. "When I met Kya, I felt something that's almost similar to Naku. That's the power of love, you know. Your grandfather told me every detail of what she looked like, but a clear answer he gave me was 'She looks as if she is Naku'. You know the rest of the story."

"What about Alexander?" I ask her. "Did you knew he may be coming after us? Me mostly?"

"No," She answers. "When my eyes was stolen and a few seconds before I past out, I thought I hard Naku talked to someone with intense chakra. I later one believed it could be the Vic. I warned your grandfather to watch out and warn the families who are special like us-"

"There it is again! Special! Why say we're special!?" I snap.

"There's nothing wrong with special, (y/n). Rather it's good or not," she said her words.

Suddenly, I sink down in the water. Sinking way too deep like the water in pulling me down. No mater how hard I swim up. I look down below the deep, dark, deafs of the bottomless water when I notice something g coming up fast. It made impact on me and I was going up and out of the water. I look to see that "something" was ground. Right before my eyes, the ground grows green grass and beautiful flowers. That's when I finally look around to see I'm at a setting. I'm now surrounded by a meadow of beautiful flowers.

"Ain't they beautiful?" I instantly knew who's voice that was. I didn't need to turn and look. It's Shun's vocie. I feel my left ear move behind my ear and flower place in it. "I remember when I was trying to get you to crawl. I had to use many different flowers."

I finally look at Shun. He looks so bright and peace. Not a single cut, bruise, and blood. More importantly, he have his eyes back. Nothing like the very last time I saw him.

"You're like a flower, my dear little sister," Shun said to me. "Beautiful. Healthy. Looks fragile, but really, you're strong inside."

"Am I strong?" I look at the pink rose, bright yellow daisy, and blue delphinium. I pull them out from the ground to hold them up. "They look much stronger than me. I'm that one flower that dies so easily..."

The moment I said that, all flowers in the meadow slowly lose their colors and dying out. The sky turn from blue to a dark red. I look at the flowers I'm holding which made me quickly drop them and scream when I saw they're covered in blood. Then the worse, I look at Shun and he was back to what he looked like when he died. Pale, cuts, blood, and no eyes. Suddenly, I start to hear voices. I hear all of my friends voices. Screaming in pain. I quickly pull my legs closer to me, move my hands over my ears, and squeeze my eyes shut.

My Long Journey as a Shinobi (and to his heart) -  Kiba x Reader Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now