Far Away

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What if the table had turned? What if Addison was the one who caught Derek on top of her best friend, right on their bed...naked?


Late night surgery and Addison was already exhausted walking up the stairs of their apartment. Derek went home earlier than she did for he had to do something important. Little did she know, she was surprised by her husband. Derek became a melted icing on top of her best friend's cake. Yeah right, her husband was fvcking her best friend, Savannah, right on their own bed, on her favourite sheets! "Addison!"

She just stood there eyes fixed on the naked bodies shown in front of her. It's like her world was crashing and her soul just shrank in the middle of her stomach making her feel dizzy and weak. She wanted to scream but she couldn't open her mouth, there's no voice coming out and her throat was dry. She felt like a whirl was sucking her in. Disgust, anger, self doubt, hurt and betrayal. Those words didn't cover to describe what Addison was feeling at that exact moment. Tho she had a long day, she didn't say anything to her husband or to her best fiend. She just walked away from them but Derek reached her at the front door. "Addie."

"Don't Addie me!" She forcefully pushed Derek away from her after she screamed on top of her lungs. She doesn't scream and at that moment she did. "I am sleeping somewhere but here. I can't even look at you right now. You disgust me Derek. Hate isn't enough to describe how I feel about you right now." Addison started opening the door again but Derek blocked her. "Addison please. I'm sorry. I was drunk and seduced and it was an accident. I wouldn't do it if I was a sober. Honey please." He was holding his wife in his arms but Addison kept on resisting. She didn't wanna be touched by him. "Let me go Derek. The moment your lips pressed on hers, that's the start of the end of us."

"Don't say end Addie. We can talk this out. Please listen to me, stay. Don't quit on me please Addie. I'm sorry. I am so sorry."

"Let go of me Derek." He didn't. "Let go before I lose it." He did. For he didn't want her to lose her shit at that moment. He knew her so well that she could end up harming herself. "Im leaving and I don't want to see you or your shadow near me." Addison finally opened the door, walked away without looking back at her half naked husband. Derek was just standing there watching his wife drove away from their apartment, heart racing so fast and the regret was rushing in his veins. He was just snapped out of it when Savannah mentioned his name. She didn't feel guilty at all, but disappointed that Derek's still holding his ground for their marriage. But they both knew that... "She's not coming back, is she?"


"Have you guys RSVPd on my invitation? Party's tonight already. Or did you not receive my email?" No one answered Addison and that made her furious inside. But she's a passive-aggressiva queen so there's no need to show it out. Everyone knows she's already dwelling in her mind. "For the record, I RSVPd as soon as I received the email." Dell, smiled thinking somehow he could change the Addison-is-gonna-throw-flames look on the redhead's face, and everyone looked at him like you-better-shut-up. "Addison, we're busy. But we will double check." Addison scoffed answering "Aren't we all?" Sarcastically to Naomi's attempt. "Well you know that's fine. I can party at my house alone, drink all the liquors alone, eat the food alone, laugh alone. Yeah I'm destined to be aloooone." She closed the folder after their morning huddle and went straight to her office. Welcome to Oceanside Wellness.

Pete, the quack doctor who has a huge crush on Addison since the day she first stepped foot on the practice, which was nearly 10 months ago, knocked on Addison's door. "You good here?" He asked, sitting on the couch which Addison personally chosen. "I am. Just getting ready to be paged by Charlotte. You?"

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