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I'm trapped in a world of mirrors,

Where all I see is the brokenness that is me,

A world where I am told,

That I should reflect differently.

I should be other than what I am,

reflecting society,

but that's not who I am.

I'm a different dimension,

A fathomless whirlpool of emotions,

An ocean of mysteries

and you want to contain me in a bucket,

but I don't fit.

Every now and then,

I open the portal,

and show you what I hide,

but I've been told,

I'm wrong,

you're right,

So excuse me,

if I close the portal tight.

I should know by now,

that my dimension is too frightening,

you cannot but sink,

so I'll wait for the explorer,

who's not afraid of me.

I'm shattering these mirrors,

breaking free of this mold,

embracing my brokenness,

because that is where I'm whole.

Glittering wings of bravery,

Learning how to fly,

I belong to a different world,

And that is why on paper-thin wings,

I am taking to the skies.

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