13: going so well

Start from the beginning

Saturday morning, the train leaves back today and I'm dreading it, no point in even trying to conceal it. I packed with Avery last night talking about the dinner with Draco's parents, I haven't been in the Hogwarts loop for long, but I got the vibe Draco's father was even more intimidating than Draco, and when Avery told me stories she'd heard I was suddenly worrying if I should buy myself a new outfit so I can look Malfoy family appropriate. Once on the train Draco and I walked down to the end compartments where the 'superior students' go. I think it's just because it's closer to the kitchen, but here there is definitely a spot the other students don't dare to use knowing it's for our group. I imagined Draco being so intimidating at the younger years and when I put myself in those shoes I couldn't help but feel a little turned on and it quickly developed into a erotic daydream. I snapped myself out just as fast however not wanting to get horny on the train. After chocolate frogs, gossip and fatigued gazing, we finally arrived at platform 9 3/4. Disembarking from the train was more stressful than anticipated. As I went to go into the main walk way in the train a surge of students knocked me about and I got bumped on to the floor in 5 seconds. I tried getting up but everyone else was rushing to get off and my fingers got stepped on. Suddenly the busting stopped and I was picked onto my feet. I saw Draco, Avery, Blaise and Theo standing there, like they had parted the red sea. Students stepped aside for us as we went to the door.

Separating from everyone else I grabbed a taxi home from the station to my parents manor 45 minutes away. As we pulled in both me and the driver looked a little shocked, he was probably shocked because I looked very disheveled and down to earth not suiting the stuck up aura of this house. And I was shocked because it looked a lot cleaner than when we moved and there were weeds everywhere.

 And I was shocked because it looked a lot cleaner than when we moved and there were weeds everywhere

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Forcing a deep breath through my lungs I walked out with my trunk towards the door. I only brought a few clothes since it was a week break and I don't want anything worthwhile being broken. That's why I brought myself. God self destructive jokes already and I haven't even knocked on the door. I knocked gingerly and thank goodness it was a maid who opened the door of either of my parents. Unfortunately however she decided to announce my arrival immediately.
Maid: "ms y/n has arrived" I stood there still hearing heavy footsteps descending towards me. And a clip clop of heels from my left. Soon both my DNA doners were in front of me
Y/n: "hello"
Mum: "you got fat." Welp half a minute and that's 20% of my self esteem gone.
Dad: "go do something useful, like cleaning or cooking, we'll be having a talk tonight.
Y/n: "yes father" I walked away with my head down so they'd know I was not being offensive. Then I went downstairs and began prepping vegetables for dinner.

Over mealtime I received vindictive verbal abuse and a lengthy explanation why I wasn't worthy as their daughter, I only got slapped and only like 6 times too so I consider thant a win even if I was down to 40% mental energy again. Luckily though I received a letter from a pretty owl and recognised Avery's handwriting. She invited me, non optionally, to go shopping on Wednesday for 'meeting the parents'. Imagine that in a evil sadistic voice. The week wasn't as awful as expected, I received the occasional slap with the excuse of laziness or low grades and let much constant insults but I got used to that. Thursday rolled around and I pulled my usual card, sneaking out my window and climbing down the lattice. My parents would never have let me out but if they didn't see me they forget my existence.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now