Athys childhood

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To say her childhood was shit was an understatement
Athy was always an obedient and quiet child
She was always under a lot of pressure to be perfect at everything
She wasn't aloud to eat chocolate because that would make her fat
She want allowed to play she had lessons

Oh she wasn't perfect at dancing she had to dance intil her feet bleed
Oh she wasn't good enough at fighting she had to fight intil all her finger were broken
Oh she doesn't remember a bit of history she had to right out all of the kingdom's important events 100 times
No one would let's this poor girl catch a break because they all thought she was cursed
Lily was the only one that treated athy like human who had emotions and can get tried

When Athanasia asked them why they all did this they always said so her father would be proud
Lies athy knew they were lying all those lessons and pain actually paid off
Athy was genius she was as good as royal knights at swordsmanship
She knew all the kingdoms history like it was nothing
She was as good at magic to even rival Lucas
She was the best dancer that most people have ever seen
She was as graceful as swan
she was perfect they all knew it but she was cursed

she was always lonely and never had any friends
Athy never had an normal childhood
Athy often thought if she was just an normal commoner maybe she didn't need to
do all these lesson maybe she could eat sweet or even play outside with other kids

Athy started hating being a princess
She definitely wasn't treated like one either
She started hating lesson
Hating her teachers
Despised her maid
The only people she didn't hate were her best friend Lucas and her mother figure lily and her dad (not for long)

She wanted to eat all the sweet in the world
Play intil she was dead asleep
She wanted to be kid a normal one

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