Part 31: "She can't leave"

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At the Same Time

Zach's POV

I didn't even know where I was going but I knew I had to find that son of a bitch. He was the reason all of this was happening. He was the reason I was moments away from losing someone I had learned to love so much. I told her I'd protect her and protect her I was gonna.

I was walking down the streets when I got a phone call from Corbyn.

"Corbyn, what?!" I snapped, answering the phone.

"Dude it's Savannah."

"What? What about her?" I said, my whole tone instantly changing.

"Brenda just kicked her off the tour." He said.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" I said, yelling into the phone.

"Yeah. She just packed up to go home. She's headed to the airport now."

"Is this some sort of trick to keep me from going to kick Jason's ass?" I asked him, getting angry.

"NO! Zach no she's ACTUALLY leaving! You gotta do something. We'll take care of the Jason situation." Corbyn told me.

"Look, I'm on it. I'll be there as soon as I can just...just one of you get there and make sure she doesn't get on a plane." I said, hanging up the phone.

I ran back to the hotel and grabbed the keys to the bus. I didn't care if I got in trouble I needed to Get. THERE.

I sped out of the garage as quickly as possible and I pressed down on the gas even harder and sped my way over to the airport. Every red light I hit I almost ended up running I was so fucking pressed on time and I needed to get there before she left.

"Come on. Come onnnnn." I said, tapping the wheel as I waited for the last light standing between me and the airport to turn green.

I got to the airport and ran out and into the airport.

I saw Jonah and Jack at the front desk and saw they were arguing with the lady. I ran up to them.

"You don't understand. You NEED to let us back there!" Jonah told the lady at the front.

"What's going on?" I asked Jack.

"Savannah already went through security. We can't get back there we're screwed."

I scanned airport while Jack and Jonah continued to argue with the lady at the desk.

I saw a door that read, "EXIT TO RUNWAY."

I tapped Jack, "Dude." I motioned to the door.

He nodded and we ran off with Jonah to the door.

"We could get in so much legal trouble for this." Jonah said, as the three of us raced down the stairs.

"Jonah, not the time. We'll be fine." I told him as I continued to sprint down the stairs to the runway.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and were stopped by a guard.

"What are you three boys doing here?" He asked, crossing his arms and standing in front of the door.

"I need to get out to flight 1853." I told him.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Look. I will strip down NAKED right here if you want me to. I don't have anything on me. I just...there's a girl I need to stop from getting on that plane!" I explained to him.

"Why do you need to stop her from getting on the plane?" He asked, still not convinced he should help us.

"Because she can't leave. I need to stop her from leaving me."

"If she's leaving you she's leaving you for a reason." He said, rasing an eyebrow.

"NO NO! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! Listen, we're on tour and our tour manager sent her back but...but she's our opening act and...and more than that she's my girlfriend. She's the girl I'm in love with and she loves me JUST as much as I love her she's not LEAVING me and I NEED to get to her and YOU need to help me!!" I said, practically yelling at him.

The guard looked at the three of us and then sighed.

"Come with me you three." He led us out the door and down a couple more hallways by running the three of us over to Savannah's plane. He stopped before letting us on, "Now, I'm going with you and you have ten minutes and then I need you off that plane. And one bad move, and I'll take you down." He told me.


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