Part 29: "I don't want anyone else."

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The Following Day

Zach and I were...well what do you think at this point? Same fucking thing it was every time. Every time something was fine something went bad.

We all sat at the kitchen table in Jonah and Daniel's hotel room and ate breakfast.

Zach and I were in a weird place since the "cheating" scandal photos came out. As far as I knew, Brenda was still investigating what had happened there but no news yet.

"Look, can we talk." Zach whispered to me as we all finished our breakfast.

I nodded and put my napkin on the table following him out to the balcony.

We walked out and he shut the sliding door behind us.

"Look, Savannah, I love you, I really do, and you know that...but...after what's happened...I just don't know." He said, running his hands through his hair.

"I know." I said quietly.

"I wanna love you. I wanna be everything for you. But you don't let me. You make it so fucking hard and...and when you didn't trust me and didn't even let me explain myself and just jumped to the conclusion that I'd do something like that to you it made made me see what you really thought of me."

"Zach...I don' gotta think about the relationship I'm coming from."

"Ok well I'm not Jason." He said, starting to get mad.

"Sorry...I...I'm just explaining..." I told him, looking at the ground.

We both stood there and stared at each other not saying anything.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked him, holding back tears.

"I don't...I don'" I could hear his voice breaking and feared what he'd say next.

"Zach just say it and rip the band aid off." I said, closing my eyes.

"But I don't want to."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him, a tear slipping out and down my cheek.

"What?" He said, quietly.

"Why haven't you given up on me yet?"

"What?" He said, confused.

"Why do you even still try with me after all the shit I gave you? After you've been so fucking good to me and all I've done is screw you over time and time again. You deserve so much better."

"Because I don't want anyone else. To me, you're the best." He said, moving closer to me and taking my hands in his.

"So where do we go from here then?" I asked him again.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked me.

" do know I want you right? You know I love you so fucking much." I told him.

"Then where we go is up. We work on this and we stay together." He told me, still crying as well.

"If this is going so well, why are we both crying?" I asked him.

He pushed my hair behind my ear and looked me in the eyes, "because sometimes loving someone means more than just being happy together. It means hurting together too. And we're both hurting right now. But that's ok because we have one another. And that will take the hurt away."

A Couple Days Later

I leaned over and shut my alarm off.

Zach woke up and pulled his arm out from underneath me.

"You gotta get back to your room?" He said, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry babe. You know how she is." I told him, getting up and grabbing my things.

"Soon it won't matter anymore." He told me.

"I'm counting down the days you have no idea." I said, smiling and kissing him.

He laughed as he watched me walk towards the bathroom.

Things were so fucking good with us. So fucking good. They hadn't been this good since we'd started tour. I was literally the happiest I'd been in months.

Zach's POV

I watched Savannah walk to the bathroom thinking I'd gotten so lucky. Everything we'd been through. Every fight every fallout every high and every low, this made all of it worth it.

I leaned over and grabbed my phone to check the time.

"ZACH!" Savannah yelled, running out of the bathroom, her face was as white as a ghost.

"What?! What's going on?!" I said, jolting up in bed.

I got up and ran over to her and she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the bathroom.

When we got into the bathroom, all of the color from my face disappeared as well seeing the mirror.

Taped to my bathroom mirror were the pictures of Savannah and me from the tabloids, the photoshopped pictures of me "cheating" on Savannah, and, probably the creepiest of them all, pictures of both of us sleeping the night before. Written across the mirror was, "THE BITCH IS MINE."

"Holy shit."

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