Part 4: "I finally get to see you in person again"

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A couple days later

Sav's POV

I grabbed my stuff and got ready to head to the studio. Today was the day I was officially gonna meet Why Don't We for the first time. I was really excited but also...uh... really nervous.

"Are you ready to see your boyyyfrrieeendd?" Kayla asked me as we got into the car.

"Kayla shut up he's not my boyfriend." I laughed as I also got in.

"Yeah, ok. That's not what your phone constantly blowing up seems to say." She said, looking up at my phone lighting up.

I grabbed it, "He's just talking to me."

"Talking to you cause he looooovvveesss you." She said, teasing me.

"Kayla we've met once, three days ago, and we've only been talking for oh, three days!"

"Three days is enough to fall in love."

"You're ridiculous." I said, laughing as we drove to the studio.

Kayla was like the Lola to my Hannah Montana and the Lily to my Miley. Yeah we were roommates but we were best friends first and we did everything together and when I moved out to LA to pursue my singing career, Kayla came with me to pursue her degree in management.

We pulled up to the studio and I got out, getting more nervous by the second.

"Oh my god, you ARE nervous?!" Kayla said, looking at me.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." I told her, shaking my head.

"I could tell the WHOLE way here you were nervous and I was RIGHT!"

Just then, I saw five boys and an older woman walking toward me.

"Kayla shhh they're coming."

The boys walked up to us and the the older girl stepped out in front of them.

"Hi I'm Brenda. I'm the tour manager for the boys. You must be Savannah."

"Uh...yeah I am." I told her, nervously. She was, kinda really intimidating...

"Cool. These are the boys, Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, Jack, Zach. I don't know who you are but I sent for one girl." She looked at Kayla.


"-I don't care. You six, let's get rehearsing." She turned and walked away leaving us and the boys standing there in shock.

"She's not our usual manager." The one named...Jonah? Said to us.

"We're really sorry." Corbyn added.

"I hate her." Jack said.

"I'm gonna go get food because I'm scared of her." Kayla said, sheepishly and running off.

She left and the boys all looked at me.

"So...." I said, not knowing what to do.

"So...we should go rehearse then." Daniel said, and the four boys turned and walked away leaving Zach and I behind.

"So I finally get to see you in person again." He said, smiling at me.

"You finally do." I told him, feeling my cheeks starting to turn red.

"Look, don't worry about Brenda. She's batshit crazy but it's fine I'm not gonna let her come at you." He told me.

"Oh my hero." I said, laughing sarcastically.

"Hmm....three days ago I was. Remember that?" He said, referring to the grocery store.

I laughed at him, "Let's go rehearse."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the building.

Later that day

I sat down, COVERED in sweat and pulled out my water.

Zach and Jack came over and sat down next to me, both out of breath.

"She's.....insane...." Jack said, between breaths.

"I don't know how I'm gonna do this for three months." I said, leaning on my legs.

"Now Sav," Zach said, putting his hand on my back. I looked at him, "now none of us may make it out of tour alive so here's what I want you to do."

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the bench we were sitting on and Jack laughed.

"Alright you six are done for today. Get ready for tomorrow! BRENDA BOOTCAMP IS JUST STARTING!!" We heard Brenda yell as she left the building.

"How is it that she can put us through hell and still act like she doesn't care about us?" Corbyn asked as the other three boys walked over to us.

"Because she's the DEVIL." Jack told them.

"Ok well we wanna grab Chipotle because we deserve it." Jonah said, "so Sav, if you and Kayla wanna join we'd love to have you guys."

"Yeah definitely." I told them, excited to go out and be able to spend time with the guys outside of the studio.

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