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"MARINETTE WAKE UP !" Alya yelled in her for the fifth time. The bluenette rolled off the bed "I'M UP, I'M UP" her messy hair flew in all directions "Sure you are" Alya rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

"We have time but today's the day" Alya squeeled "We finally get to meet the King and Queen. But some sources say the princess won't be dining with us" Alya frowned

"She probably had her reasons , I sure she would have loved to" Marinette tried to make her friend feel better "Besides we have a dinner party to prepare for"

Fei, Sabrina and Chloe had already woken up around the same time as Marinette

" Wait, I forgot something don't wait for me go ahead" She ran back to the room "Okay Tikki it's safe, quick into my purse" the kwami did as instructed

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" Wait, I forgot something don't wait for me go ahead" She ran back to the room "Okay Tikki it's safe, quick into my purse" the kwami did as instructed

The crowd stood at the bottom of the stairs of the banquet hall, going through the doors by groups of ten. The man at the top of the stairs said "Next"

The students were escorted into rooms, one for girls and one for boys. Marinette entered the room. There were numerous amounts of dressing room. There had to be at lest 30 stylists. Lou motioned Mari to follow, and she did. 

"Wow!" Marinette stared in awe at her dress that had been designed in less than 62 hours.  It usually took her at least a week to finish one dress. But they had not only done dresses but suits as well. The dress wasn't too tight nor too loose 

"Lou this is amazing !" Marinette fan girled over her dress "Now time for the accessories" Lou began to take out a selection of idems , Marinette opted to keep her earrings because they were "special" to her

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"Lou this is amazing !" Marinette fan girled over her dress "Now time for the accessories" Lou began to take out a selection of idems , Marinette opted to keep her earrings because they were "special" to her.

She wore half a inch white shoes because she absolutely hated them, Alya had tried to get her to wear them to multiple dances.

Marinette was finally escorted down to a humongous room filled with pastries, appetizers, lemonade , and punch of course "Since there were at least six different schools attending , she and her class mates were most likely to be up upon the other schools.
She was seated in the near center of the table not to close to her parents but not too far. A slender tall girl sat next to her , the girls hair was blonde flowing down her back , she was unique , she had a pink strand going down the front. She was about the same height as Marinette. Maybe a little taller

"Hi I'm Zoe , Zoe Lee" she extended her hand to greet her new friend " I'm Marinette , Marinette Dupain Chang" she also stuck her hands out. Zoe had a familiar vibe , like how Bridgette was with Julika , her style was similar to Rose

To her other side there was a unfamiliar boy, she payed no attention to him "So Zoe where are you from?" she broke the silence "New York actually" Marinette was shocked to hear "Wow, I've actually meet some of your classmates they're quite nice and welcoming"

"Yeah everyone is pretty nice , we all mostly get along, what about you Marinette , where are you from" Marinette hesitated a bit "Paris, born and raised" she swooped her elbow "Wow I've always wanted to go there"

"Attention, Attention!" a spoon was being banged on glass , Marinette automatically recognized her father while others didn't , it's true there was nothing makeup couldn't fix

"We are here to celebrate our daughters return, unfortunately she will not be joining us today , but in a two short weeks she will become queen" King Tom cheered motioning everyone to raise there glasses for a toast.

Just then did huge plates piled with food come out of a door waiters now covering the marble floor.  Endless piles of food came , everything was eaten at its own pace , Kim could be seen at the end if the table FEASTing on the food like there was no tomorrow .

Marinette could see Alya and Nino sitting together "lucky" she thought to herself  "You look sad" Zoe looked at her with a mouthful of food causing Marinette to giggle a little

"No , not really just lost in my thoughts again,  don't worry it happens a lot" laughing off her problem "Well Zoe tell me a little more about your self" Marinette asked out of curiosity

"Well , I've always wanted to visit China it seams so peaceful , a wonderful place to live. Most of the students are nice like I said but some" she directed her gaze it a group "treat me like an outcast , BUT I don't let that stop me from living my life and having fun because in the end it doesn't matted what they think" Zoe held a soft smile

Marinette was stuck in her gaze "Maybe the others wouldn't care that I'm the princess"

"Thank you Zoe" she mumbled holding a smile. They back they went back to eating.

The chatting noises got louder as more people finished , tables cleared , people were now allowed to move around from the table and adjust them selves with their friends.

Marinette excused herself to the bathroom grabbing a cookie off the the snack table before leaving

"Wew Tikki that was exhausting" the bluenette exclaimed wiping the sweat off of her face "It was crammed in there Tikki"

"Well look on the bright side Marinette you met a fiend who unknowingly gave you same advice" the small creature munched down the the cookie

"I think that when the time comes your friend's will gladly accept you"

"And if they don't?" Marinette asked back

"They're stupid"  Tikki said finishing her cookie

"What did I do to deserve a kwami like you" Marinette cuddled Tikki close to her face

"We better be heading back now"

As Marinette walked back down to the hall she seen a man similar to the one she had met on the elevator a couple of days ago when the class went to the shopping district.

His eyes were glued to her. Every time she moved so did he , she she stopped he stopped , when she turned he looked away , when she ran he stayed

A light chuckle escaped his lips "she won't know know what hit her."

Hoi guys tell me how you liked it, make sure to comment your predictions , or and mistakes or misspelled words if you don't understand the plot or whats going on feel free to ask me to explain things

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