"Well I've been trying, I have-"

"No. I don't just mean trying, I mean tell him directly that you miss his delicious voice and you would love to be acknowledged as you bother the hell out of him during shifts, again. Okay? Stop being a little bitch about it, gosh!"

Harry placed a hand on his chest with an overdramatic gasp but Zayn was no longer paying attention, upset about finishing his own little distraction so quickly. Still, it would hopefully help calm his senses for a bit until Harry was ready to go. Clubs were not his scene. And if not, he could just watch Liam at the counter and let his discomfort melt away with one glimpse of his usual warmth as he talked to customers. It was funny how he could give Harry advice like that when he was too afraid to speak even a word to that overly attractive man.

Now that he thought about it, Liam and Louis acted like opposites but seemed a bit too comfortable around each other to have just met. It kind of bothered him that Louis was a completely different man when he talked to Liam, becoming a lot more expressive and vocal. Luckily, he had Harry unknowingly gathering any intel on recent developments and he just had to hope they were only friends and would stay that way.

Behind the bar, Liam was digging at his best friend and asked him why he wasn't taking to Harry, anymore. He had felt there was something there when Louis first started talking to his regular but then of course, his best friend was planning to shut it down. He wished he would just open himself up for once but Louis was tired of explaining his reasons to Liam so he wasn't talking, anymore. How many times did he have to repeat that he had zero interest in speaking with the boy before he was believed, both by Liam and by himself?

"Uh oh... Well, heads up, Lou cos Harry is stubborn as fuck just so you know. He won't give up on you, just like I didn't and then maybe you'll even get another friend at the end of this! Isn't that exciting?" Louis rose his head, noticing that Liam was steadily inching away as Harry advanced towards the bar.

"Mhmm. Totally. I'm dying of excitement, literally dying." Harry took a seat, staring at Louis and the man sighed slowly in response. A customer came by and he planned to speak to her first but Liam beat him to it, winking at his pissed off best friend.

"Styles... Hey." He stared at the floor and the chronic drinker smiled, the cute dimples popping up again.

"Hi. Gonna tell me what's going on between us? I can feel a... Tension, these days. If you wanted to suck my dick or something, you could've asked." Louis choked on air, clearing his throat.

"Wait a sec- I'm sorry, what?" Harry winked and he couldn't keep his expression neutral anymore, covering his face with his hands as he chuckled to himself. Harry had never heard him laugh and he found himself very, very aroused by the depth of it. "God, man, never in a billion years."

"Ouch. You are great at hurting my feelings, mister blue eyes. Just great."

Louis didn't know how but he found himself wanting to apologise to this stranger for the second time. Apologies weren't his thing! It was one thing to offend people who deserved it but then there was Harry who could get hurt by something he said without even trying and he didn't want that. God, Harry was really something. And he knew for a fact that the sarcasm was just a cover up, proved when he managed to look up and saw he was staring at the table with a smile that looked forced.

"No, no, it's not like that. You're attractive, Styles. That's just a fact but I'm ace so... It's not really my thing."

"Oh. So... Never? I-I mean, just out of curiosity, I don't mean us or anything..." Louis chuckled as Harry nervously cleared his throat, looking out of his element which was rather unusual for him.

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