14.Things that you do☁️

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|Displays of affection that you do that they like|

.Dabi Todoroki🖤

.Although Dabi still has a bit of trouble showing any form of affection towards you, even outside of public view, that doesn't mean that you don't show him any. And though at times your forms of affection seem to bother Dabi, he doesn't really mind when you gently glide your fingers along his staples. Especially when the two of you are cuddling.

.Tomura Shigaraki🥀

.You.Playing.With.His.Hair! That's it, this man just completely melts when you play with his hair. Especially when he's having a pretty rough day, having you just play with his hair while he lays in your laps, makes his day feel entirely better.

.Kai Chisaki🧪

.Unlike with everyone else in his life, Chisaki longs for your affection and most importantly your touch; and without it, he'd probably blow a fuse. However, his favorite way of you showing it would have to be when you lay your head on his chest. He doesn't really know why, but it makes him feel extremely happy.

.Atsuhiro Sako🧭

.It's no doubt that Atsuhiro lives for your affection so, picking his favorite way of how you show it, is pretty hard for him. But if he'd had to just pick one, he'd pick when you would brush his hair.


. Kurogiri is fully aware of the fact that you're not the most affectionate person, however when you do get into your moods of showing affection, Kurogiri loves it when fiddle with fingers. He finds it to be extremely out of character and kinda cute.

.Jin Bubaigawara🎭

.Not many people would see you as an affectionate person but, whenever you're around Jin, you can't help to be nothing but affectionate around him; and even if both sides of him react differently to you giving him affection, deep down, they both loves and appreciate every ounce of affection that you give.

.However, his favorite form of it, is when the two of you peacefully sit in silence, while holding each other. To him, the silence along with the warmth of your body, makes him feel at peace, it's like he doesn't have to worry about splitting.

.Shin Nemoto🗝

.Even though Shin isn't really keen on the idea of affection of any kind, he still appreciates your methods of showing it, especially the ones where you wrap your pinkie around his. He finds it to be very lighthearted and genuine, it sometimes even puts a smile on his dull face.

.Himiko Toga🔪

.Although Toga cherishes all of your forms of affection dearly, her favorite one has to be when you randomly whisper sweet things into her ears. Like the two of you could just be watching a movie in your dorm and then before she knows it, she's a blushing mess and is hanging onto every word you say.

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