3.When They Ask You Out☁️

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.Dabi Todoroki🖤

.After catching you at another night club, Dabi decided to take that as an opportunity to get to know you more so he asked if you wanted to leave the club with him and although you were a bit skeptical, you agree anyways.

.Not knowing exactly where to take you, he decided that the league's hideout(The bar) was the "safest" place to go; but after having one to many shots, Dabi has gotten a bit too drunk and ended up asking you out by accident, in which you playfully responded with a "why not!"

.Tomura Shigaraki🥀

.After talking to you for a while, Shigaraki finally decided that now was the time to put the first part of his plan into action.

.Noticing you sitting at the fountain again, Tomura walked up to you, exchanging a bit of small talk before asking you in the most weirdest way possible, if you would go out with him. But you held in your laughter and happily agreed to date him.

.Kai Chisaki🧪

.After the quick encounter that you and Chisaki had with each other, Chisaki almost instantly became intrigued by you, even so much to the point where he kinda wanted you all to himself, for some reason.

.While hanging around in the the back of an alley way like he usually does, he coincidently caught a glimpse of you resting at the edge of the alley. Not wasting any time, he quickly pulled you further in, causing you to fight back until you noticed that it was him.

.After explaining why you were here, Chisaki had made you an offer for you to work for him, in exchange for a change in making you happy. Realizing that he was kinda asking you out, it caused you to turn into a blushing mess before accepting his offer.

.Atsuhiro Sako🧭

.On the night that you and Atsuhiro were supposed to be going on your date,Tomura had ended up planning a last minute mission on the same night, not wanting to stand you up, Atsuhiro met up with you at the mall a few minutes before the mission.

.After apologizing and explaining that he had some business to take of, which you totally understood, Atshuhiro not only decided to reschedule your date, but he also asked you out. And you of course said yes.


.After seeing you come to the his bar for the fifth time this week, Kurogiri started to get even more worried and just like he did every other night, he gave his therapy-like sessions to you in between taking orders.

.But it just so happened that this particular night, while he was having his usual therapy conversations with you, he had slipped up and told you how he felt about you; and when he realized what he was implying, his face turned a dark purple. Although you were caught a bit off guard, you accepted his feelings for you anyways.

(I hope you enjoyed☺️💕💕💕)

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