"Why the hell should I?"

"Just please?"

"Fine" I lie. I think I pulled it off and did my signature rolling my eyes.

"Are you just saying that? Or will you actually do it?"


"Depends on what?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?"


"I don't know"


There were a few minor conversations every now and then, and soon it was breakfast. Everyone took off the large bulky parts of their costume and put them in their locker and made their way to the cafeteria (it feels weird calling it that). We're supposed to go to the cafeteria straight away but I don't think most people particularly care. I wait for Icy hot to get swept away by his group before I go to that music room. The whole reason I wait is because that way i can avoid him easier.

I walk there alone and once I get there I pick up an acoustic guitar and tune it a bit.

I play the beginning to the song and eventually start singing.

I'm a good pretender
Won't you come see my show?
I got lots of problems, well good thing nobody knows
Good thing nobody knows.

Oh I'm insecure, I'm insecure
I think I like what I'm supposed to
Like what I'm supposed to
I don't even mess with drugs
I do that cause you say it's dope to
You say it's dope to.

I'm a good pretender
I'm not really cool
I'm a good pretender
Cause I'm just like you
I do not belong here
You all clearly do!
But I'm a good pretender,
So I'm just like.

I'm a good pretender
I'm a good pretender

Im a Good pretender
All emotions in sync

Don't you think I'm clever?
We laugh at all the same things

Oh I'm insecure, I'm insecure
I think I like what I'm supposed to
Like what I'm supposed to
I don't even mess with drugs
I do that cause you say it's dope to
You say it's dope to.

I'm a good pretender
I'm not really cool
I'm a good pretender
Cause I'm just like you
I do not belong here
You all clearly do!
But I'm a good pretender,
So I'm just like.

Im a Good pretender
Im a good pretender

I'm just like you,
Do you like me too?
Now I'm just like you

I'm a good pretender.

I quickly wipe away some teas that fell for some reason. I always feel like that song kinda describes some of the situations I'm in, even if it's short it kinda helps.

I heard a small sniffle from behind me so I whip my head around only to find a crying yellow head in the room. Well this'll be fun.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" I shout at him


"Yes, that's my name. Be grateful your so blessed as to use it"

He let out a snicker to that comment.

"Right, what the hell do you want?"

"Oh... umm, I just saw you in the window playing an instrument and I figured you wouldn't mind if I listened..."

"How long have you been here?"

"Since the first verse"

"Shit." I Mutter

"And you couldn't have shown any indication that you were here?"

"Enough about me. What you were singing, was it all true? Do you really feel that way?"

What do I even say at this point? He's caught me red handed in multiple occasions pulling stupid shit like this cause I can't spare a second to check my fucking surroundings!


I shake my head to get myself back into reality and look at him.


"Nothin.. you just spaced out for a minute"

"Oh... right."

Before I knew it this idiot had enclosed me in his arms and squeezing me to death.

"What!? Let go of me!"


"Get off!"

"Bakugo, just take it. Please?"

I think for a second before deciding.


•Word Count: 1201•

•Hello! How was your day? I know I haven't posted for like over two weeks. I guess it was just lack of motivation and I'm so sorry for not posting! I'll try post quicker but no promises. Anyway, I should really sleep. It's half three in the damn morning. Also, the name of the song is Pretender by AJR. Bye!•

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