Chapter 26. The president's closest people

Start from the beginning

There was no reason for Aria to justify herself before anyone, but the authoritarian voice that demanded answers from her, coupled with her poor physical state, caused the petite woman to involuntarily answer.

Though her answer in the end remained unsaid wholly, as she turned her gaze to the woman who brazenly asked for her reason of being in the president's office. The elegant woman herself was an unwanted presence in his personal space, having barged inside regardless of the secretary's attempts to stop her, but Aria unfortunately did not know this fact.

Looking at the sophisticated and glamorous woman who had just exited from another door inside the office, Aria recognized her as being the celebrity who appeared on the news alongside Zane. The realization stunning her into silence.

'Don't you know you have to wait for the president to be inside his office, before you can enter it?' Faye did not care to particularly wait for the pregnant woman's answer, as she started scolding her with her tone escalating with each word she said, mentioning another reason that again she had not followed herself.

It was not that Faye was unaware of the rules of the company. Her father had tried to curb her temper many times, by telling his daughter not to go overboard with her actions, as Zane was not a tolerant person. So Faye knew the protocol, it was just that in her opinion, she was the exception to the rules. Even now, she had used his personal bathroom, like it was her own personal space.

'Really, people these days... You even brought a dog with you?! Don't you know Zane's allergic to dogs, how dare you bring one here?' Faye widened her eyes seeing the small puppy who was clinging onto his owner's dress, playing with the hem. When she stepped through the door, the view of the dog was obstructed by the other couch, and she hadn't seen him. Only now as she walked a few steps to Zane's desk, leaning her bottom on its front, did she spot the furry ball.

Having been interested in the president of the consortium, Faye had done her homework regarding Zane, so she knew about his allergy. It had been because of this matter that she had given away her small poodle. 

And this woman from who knows where, had the audacity of bringing her pet to the office as she pleased. Who could this person be? Faye thought, frowning her brows.

She was surely not someone important, just by looking at her clothes, nonexistent proper hairdo and lack of make-up on her face. Being an actress, she naturally kept herself informed with the latest fashion and trends, and nothing on Aria's body had an important brand's name on it. She did not need to see the labels to know this for a fact.

How could the glamorous woman who only shopped from the most important fashion brands know that Anne, Aria's maid, had not used this particular criteria when searching for clothes. Everything Aria was wearing from top to bottom were actually expensive clothes, but they were all ordered online by the maid, custom-made for the petite woman to assure she was as comfortable as she could be during her pregnancy. Everything from the fabric to the workmanship was topnotch.

Seeing Aria only stood frozen, and was still not answering the questions she had inquired about, Faye pursed her lips discontented with the unknown woman,  and impatient crossed her arms together, as she tapped her high-heel on the marble floor. Had she entered the wrong office by mistake, and was surprised to be caught? Or had she entered Zane's office with suspicious motives? Faye's anger starting to boil at that last thought.

'Quickly tell me who you are and what you want. I am part of his closest people, I will give your message to him. Tell me now before Zane comes back then immediately leave, I don't want you triggering his allergy with that damn pet of yours.' Faye flared even more, as Aria flinched at her words and seemed to even be trembling. Her appearance indicating to the actress that the woman was feeling guilty to be caught trying to do something bad.

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