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Today is the day I've been dreading. Having dinner with the woman who brought me into this shitty world. Each day I question if I truly want to do this but even though I'm not hundred percent sure, I chose not to cancel. I feel like if I picked up my phone, hover my thumb over her name, I shake my head and turn the screen black because my gut knows she won't give up.

That woman will keep begging for me to have dinner with her until I give her the answer she wants to hear. That's what I did. I don't care if she got her life on track. I don't care if she wants to work hard to make our relationship better. This one dinner isn't going to fix anything. She has to do a lot more to show me that she changed for the good.

"Are you nervous?" My favorite voice appears behind me.

"No," There's no reason for me to be nervous because I don't care about how this dinner is going to go. I don't have my hopes up. All I want is for the dinner to go by fast.

Chloe smiles softly at me when she sees me staring at her in the mirror where I'm fixing my hair. Her hair softly curled, the green dress complimenting her so perfectly. I love how she barely wears any makeup. She's an actual angel.

Something hits me inside, causing me to worry about tonight's events. I avert my eyes off of Chloe, to confirm that my hair looks the way I like it. This night can go bad and might scare her away from me. Just two days ago there was a string in our relationship and we fixed it. What if my mother brings out a side of me that Chloe has never seen.

The sound of my phone going off-breaks my thoughts reminding me that it's time to meet up with Trish at my birth mother's. I make my way to Chloe's nightstand to get my car keys before meeting her at the bedroom door to leave.


The GPS tells me that I'll be arriving at the house in less than five minutes. My knuckles are probably changing colors as I grip the steering wheel tighter. I glance over at Chloe, just to see her gazing out the passenger side window. I wonder what's pondering around her mind. If she's worried about me or how will tonight go?

Turning the wheel slightly and pressing down on the brakes once the GPS tells me we arrived at our destination. My eyes see Trish standing by her car waiting for us. I put my car in park, lay back in my seat releasing a giant breath.

"Are you okay?" Chloe places her hand on mine, lacing our fingers together.

"I will be," After this dinner is over and we're driving as far away from this place.

Taking one last deep breath, I remove my hand from Chloe's to turn off the vehicle before exiting. I walk over to the passenger's side to open the door for Chloe. She gives me one of her beautiful smiles while taking my hand.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you look?" I squeeze her hand as I watch her step onto the sidewalk.

"No," Her voice sounds so softly. I chuckle at how she tries hiding her blushing cheeks with her hair.

I pull her back so I can look her in the eyes. "Well," I cup her face with my hands. "You look amazing, this dress really compliments you," I say before kissing her. I can feel her smile into the kiss while she gently places her hand on my arm.

"Okay! It's freezing out here, you can suck her face off some other time, Liam!" Trish shouts causing Chloe to break the kiss as she starts laughing and hugs me to hide her face.

Trish walks towards us with a playful smug on her face. Chloe finally removes herself from me, to allow me to greet Trish. "Hi Trish," I say while hugging her.

"Hi sweetie," She squeezes me.

"Thanks for coming," I whisper.

Trish pulls a way to look up at me. "Of course I would come, no need to thank me," She smiles. "How are you feeling?" Placing her hand on my arm.

"As good as I can be," I run my tongue over my lip ring. Really want this night to fly by fast.

Trish nods her head before averting her attention on Chloe. "Chloe, you look amazing," She gushes.

"Thank you," Chloe shyly says. "You look beautiful as well."

Trish hugs her, "Thank you," She removes herself but keeps one arm wrap around Chloe, guiding her to the front door.

The front door of a big beautiful home, making my inside already boil. Definitely, a giant upgrade from the house I grew up in that was falling apart. I can already get the vibe of how this night is going to play out. 


I've been putting all my focus on rewriting and editing Change, which is why it's been taking me a long time to update both of my stories. I'll also be starting college in a couple of months. I promise I'll keep trying to update whenever I get a chapter done. 

Twitter- Audrealife

Instagram- Audreaslife

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