This isn't what I want. {1}

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Shuichi POV

Where am I? Whats happening? I was in a black room, all black. There was a table, it had a tablet looking thing on it. What do I remember...? A car. A black car. I was pushed into a car. Did somebody kidnap me and bring me here? Whats going on? I have so many questions. I was definitely kidnapped, but why would I not be restrained? I walked up to the tablet, it had some familiar colors on it. I was about to pick it up but-

"Number 154, Can you hear me?" a loud voice boomed through the speakers of this room.

Huh? 154? I looked around the room but nobody was there. 154... my Danganronpa audition number?? 

"Me? " I muttered

"Yes you. Pick up the tablet in front of you."

I did as told and quickly picked up the tablet. It turned on and the words on it were 

'Shuichi Saihara'

'Mastermind #53'

'Danganronpa V3'

Me? The mastermind? But.. I didn't come to be a mastermind! Shit, did I mess up? I don't want this. Nobody will like me, I'm bound to die, and I have to watch people die, because of me..

"I think you're mistaken. Did I get into Danganronpa? Is that why I've been brought here? But why are you telling me that I've gotten in. Aren't I supposed to have no idea? Why does this tablet say that I'm the mastermind? Shouldn't it have been one of the previous survivors?" I spoke with a some-sort of an enraged tone.

"Shuichi Saihara. You are the Mastermind of Danganronpa's 53rd killing game. " 

(unfinished, i just post my unfinished works because I want you guys to still have something to read ^^ )

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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