Shot In The Dark

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batman and nightingale were sitting on a rooftop as nighitngale was messing with her gauntlet before she got a so broadcast on her radio, " batman, listen to this." she said before she played the S.O.S broadcast, " please! I'm on the roof of the old Gotham FM building. someone's after me! I don't know who. he's gonna find me. I need help!" the voice said before it went quiet. " we need to help him" batman said as nightingale nodded and started to follow him as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop. 

they made it to the old FM building and saw a man hiding, as he looked around, nighitngale jumps down in front of him as he jumped back in fear. " no don't worry. I won't hurt you" nightingale said as batman jumped down. " what are you doing here?" batman asks as the man calmed down. " there's someone after me. he's trying to kill me." the man said in fear as he looked around before looking back at batman as nightingale looked around making sure there was no one watching them like last time " who?" batman asks, " I think he works for strange. that bastard has me working on his damn tower for six months and no sooner is it all operational, he has me thrown in here," the man said as nightingale looked back at the man and asks, " what were you working on?" " There are a number of signal relay points around the top of the tower. the specifications were-" but then a gunshot was heard and the bullet hit's the man. batman grabs nightingale and shielded her as he looked at where the bullet came from and saw a shadowy figure running off. batman let's go of nightingale as she went to check on the man, she placed her fingers on his neck and didn't feel a pulse. " he's dead. we need to set up a crime scene here." she said to batman as she stood up, " it is the only way to find out who killed this man" she finished before batman scans where the bullet hit. then a bright orange line showed them where the bullet was shot, they began to follow it and found a small rooftop where the shot was fired. " the shot was taken from somewhere around here" nighitngale said as she looked around before she felt something small hit her foo. she looked down and saw a bullet casing on the ground, "bruce." she called out as she picked up the bullet case as batman looked at it also, he then clicked his ear-peace. meanwhile back at Wayne manor, (Y/N) was doing her homework when he computer started to beep, she rolled her chair over towards it and clicks the keypad as her father's voice was heard over the comms." (Y/N). take a look at the image that's just uploaded to the bat computer." batman said, " Is that what I think it is?" (Y/N) ask as she saw the picture of the bullet case in catlin's hand. " it is. Deadshot is in Arkham city" batman said as catlin placed the bullet case in her belt pocket, " what's he doing there? is he a prisoner?" (Y/N) asks in confusion as nightingale joined the comms, " it seems unlikely, but we're not ruling anything out " nighitngale said as (Y/N) smiled and said, " so it's the world's greatest detectives VS the world's deadliest assassins. who's gonna win?" she joked making batman smiled a little, " not him. send me the full database entry for Deadshot. I've uploaded everything I know about the victim, we'll be in touch" batman said as he looked at nightingale. 

as batman and nightingale jumped from rooftop to rooftop, nightingale saw another dead body near the church, " batman, look. " she said as she jumped down towards the body with batman followed. they looked around for any evidence of deadshot when batman saw were the bullet hit, he scans it before he got a trail on where the bullet was fired. " deadshot's struck again" batman said in his ear-peace, "  he's killed someone else?" (Y/N) asks in shock before she sighed as she said with her leg's crossed on her bed, he laptop in front of her as she ear a head-set on. " listen, i know you don't want to hear this, but the people in there are all bad guys, right?" she asks. " some of the prisoners in here are not your typical bad guys, (Y/N). there are a number of political prisoners. people who crossed strange, others who are tied into the mayor somehow." nightingale said in hear ear-peace as batman walked next to her, " there's a pattern here. we just need to figure our what it is. " batman said as (Y/N) nodded her head and started typing on her laptop. " I'll run a trce on the latest victim, see how they're connected. what about your guys?" she said. " we're going to check out the location he fired from." nightingale said before they both followed the trail.

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