The League Of Assassins

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(Note: I was going to add Nightwing, but I'm going to make him take robin's place in Arkham knight cause in my book he has a crush on (Y/N). I will work something out. thanks, everyone, enjoy x  p.s. the picture above is what catlin wears in Arkham city.)

batman walks out of the museum and started to follow the trail of blood that would lead him to the assassins. as he followed the trail up to the rooftop, he came to the end. he looks around before finding a blood-soaked bandage. " the blood trail had run out. the only way I'm going to find that assassin is to locate more evidence." batman said to himself before he started to scan the bandages for evidence. but then he was knocked to the ground and felt a cut on his cheek as blood started to slowly trickle down his face, he wiped his cheek with the back of his hand before looking up and saw the assassin running off. " the only way to find Ra's is to get a tracker on that ninja." batman said to himself before he took off running towards the assassin. 

he jumps from rooftop to rooftop and caught up with the assassin, as she took a swing at him with her sword. batman blocked the attack and placed a tracker on her back before he was knocked to the ground with a sword to his neck. " you only continue to live because the great Ra's al Ghul allows it." the assassin said as two other assassins jump down towards them. but then someone whistled and two of the assassins were knocked to the ground, batman looks to see it was robin. " call him off" the assassin said to batman as robin went to attack. " I can take her," he said but batman shook his head and said, " stand down." robin stops in his tracks and placed his metal stick back in his holders behind his back, " do not follow us." the assassins said before she took off into the snowy night. 

batman stood up before turning to robin. " I didn't need your help." batman said as robin rolled his eyes, " really? that's not what it looked like from where I was standing," he said, " I had it under control, why did Alfred send you?" batman asks. " he was worried about you" robin replied before batman takes a vile of blood out of his belt and gives it to robin. " take this, get it analyzed and start searching the hospitals and emergency rooms. anyone with this blood in them will be dead within 24 hours." batman said as robin looks at the vile before looking back at batman," who's blood is it?" he asks. Batman didn't reply, " oh it's yours isn't it?" he asks but batman turned his back to him. " I'll get it to the hospitals and come back, you need my help here." robin said as batman turned back to Robin, " I can handle it. you're needed in Gotham. things could get worse. much worse." batman said as robin walked up to him. " you think? if strange really knows who you are, what happens if he tells everyone? how will you..." robin said but batman placed his hand on robin's shoulder stopping him from continuing, " trust me. I'll find a way." he said as robin gave batman something and started to walk towards the edge of the roof. " if you need me, you know where I am," Robin said as he looked back at batman, "I know. now go," batman said as robin jumps of the roof and into the night.

batman placed the line launcher to his belt before he started following the tracker he placed in the assassin. as he was following the assassin's signal he got another voice mail from the joker.

" I hope you're doing your best here, bats. because I've just had a horrible thought. we could both actually die here tonight. fortunately, the odds are weighted in my favor, but just imagine how you'll feel if I'm gone? it's not like you're not lonely enough, right? all that brooding, it's not good for you, you know? do you have someone to go home to each morning, and I don't mean those kids and that woman you drag across the rooftops, ha. I mean someone real. someone you can talk to? I don't think you do. it's sad, isn't it? you do all this for Gotham and the only person you can rely on is... me" 

  he followed the signal towards the steel mill where he saw a big hole in the ground as three of joker's thugs stood guard. " I'm telling you, man. it went down there" a thug said to his friends, " you're just seeing things. now way did something get past us and go down there. no way," the thug's friend said as he shakes his head with laughter, " it did. I told you. it looked like a ninja. you know, all sneaky and swords and .... you know?" the thug said in confusion and fear, " look around you. there are no secret ninja assassins in Arkham city. that would be insane. we would have seen 'em." the thug's friend said. "I saw it. it went down there. look you don't need to believe me, but when some freaky deaky ninja cuts you up one night, don't warn you, ok?" the thug said before he walked away. 

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