The Tea Party

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batman and nightingale were sitting on the rooftop near the courthouse until they both heard the batwing zoom past them as it dropped something behind them. they turned and saw a case. batman walks towards it and activated but that's when everything started to go black as nightingale looked to see batman fall to the ground. " batman" nightingale called but then she felt something on her neck before everything went black. 

nightingale woke as her vision began to clear. she looks up to find herself sitting at a table with tea and cupcakes in front of her, thugs sitting at the table with rabbit masks on as another man sat at the end of the table." where am I? what's going on?? where's Batman?" nightingale asks in shock as she looked around in confusion. " what a question. shall I tell her? oh, she looks so confused, maybe I should well, it's simple really. I planted a teeny tiny little idea in your head. a sort of remote hypnotic suggestion. very complicated stuff. I'm sure you wouldn't understand but as you can see, it worked." nightingale looked to her left and saw batman tied to a chair next to her at the table as he had a black rabbit mask on his face, nightingale tried to break out of the ties that held her down as the man said, " you're mine now. you're mine and there's nothing that strange can do about it. are you not going to drink your tea? my special tea. my specialty ". nightingale then kicked the table making the teacup tip over and the test spill on the table as nightingale gave the man a dead glare as she knew who she was dealing with, " go to hell, Jervis." she said in anger. Jervis sighs before saying, " simply put, I made you see what you wanted most. what was it? tell me, tell me.... so predictable. just like Alice. never doing what I want without ludicrous amounts of psychoactive controls" Jervis then picked something up and jumped up on the table before walking towards nightingale. " well, if that's what's necessary. it's a good job that you've already taken them. all we need now is a finishing touch. a special new hat... just .... for.... you" then Jervis placed a mask on nightingale's face and everything went black. 

" you are my solider now, nightingale. you will do everything I say. you will do anything I want" nightingale hear as her mind fought against the control until she had full control of her mind and saw herself in some kind of rabbit hole as she was falling, " no, no, no, no! this isn't right. you can't be doing this!" Jervis said as nightingale landed on the ground and saw some thugs with white rabbit masks on. they charged at her as she started to fight them one by one as Jervis was trying to take control again. 

as catlin was fighting the thugs she turned and saw Jervis, she ran towards him in anger but he vanished as s thug grabbed her from behind. nightingale steps on the thug's foot making him let go before she kicked him in the face, knocking him out. nightingale kept fighting the thugs that came charging at her before she saw Jervis again. he tried to control her again but nightingale ran towards Jervis, she grabs his hat and throws it to the ground before stepping on it. she then turned back to Jervis and head butts him before punching him as he was knocked out. 

once nightingale blinks again, she saw herself in a room with knocked out thugs lying around, she looked and saw batman still tied to the chair, she walked over and untied him before ripping off the rabbit mask. " uh, what?" batman asks in confusion as he awake, " hatter, Jervis. he did this" catlin said as she helped batman up. she then talked off the mask and saw her mask was a white rabbit with flowers on it. she throws it to the ground before walking away with batman following, " I've had enough of this madness for tonight" she said. 

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