Chapter 76: The Forest; Unlikely Companion

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"So where are we going first?" Kai asks

"First we're getting the gem of water at the Lake of Tears" Lloyd answers "Nya might not be here but we're still gonna need it"

"The sooner we get these gems the sooner Ninjago turn back to normal" Zane says "Is their anything we know about the so called guardians?"

"Not a clue" Lloyd says looking down at the map

"Well this is the land of the Overlord, we have to be careful" Cole tells them "everyone here is almost as dangerous as Aria's guards"

"These guardians are going to be worse then any villain we've faced before then" Jay sulks

"Most likely" Zane nods

"Guys relax, we can do this" Lloyd encourages

"Does this forest give anyone else the creeps?" Kai asks looking around

The sun was starting to go down and the forest was starting to get dark, really dark. The so called "Forest of Silence" wouldn't be silent for much longer. The ninja began to feel paranoid as night fell, they could hear this ear aching sound that they couldn't quite describe.

"Ah" Jay stops walking and puts his hands over his ears "I can't take it anymore, it's starting to hurt"

"I agree" Kai says rubbing his ear "what the heck is going on?"

The ninja all rub their ears as the sound suddenly became louder, as did the pain in their ears. They were soon surrounded by dozens of red eyes.

"Ahh vampires!" Jay shouts

"their not vampires" Zane says "they're too small to be Aria's guards"

"Zane's right" Lloyd looks around them "they're some kind of beasts"

"Ah!" Kai falls to the ground


Lloyd looks around as all the ninja begin falling down until finally he too was on the ground unconscious. Hours later the ninja woke up, they try to get up but can't move at all.

"Uh guys, I can't move!" Kai freaks out

"No shit Kai" Cole says annoyed "none of us can"

"Zane" Lloyd calls out

"We're paralyzed, whatever those beasts were they had the ability to paralyze us" Zane explains "I'm afraid that we may be eaten"

"Oh great" Jay says sarcastically "not even a day into our journey and we're already dead"

They hear laughing "You boys are truly hopeless"

"why does that sound like.."


Over the group stood Aria, or at least she looked exactly like Aria but at the same time, she didn't exactly seem like Aria.

Over the group stood Aria, or at least she looked exactly like Aria but at the same time, she didn't exactly seem like Aria

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'Aria' opened up a vile and began to feed it to the ninja. At first they felt like they were burning.

"Ah! It's poison!" Kai shouts

"It's not poison boys" Aria says as she lastly gives it to Lloyd

The ninja were rolling around like babies as Aria stared at them.

"It burns" Jay whines

"Well, you can move can't you?" Aria questions

The ninja all stopped rolling around and looked at each other before standing up.

"Aria? Why are you saving us?" Cole asks

"And what are you wearing?" Lloyd asks "that's the robes of a spinjitzu master"

"That's because I am a master" Aria giggles "oh this will be a lot to explain"

The ninja look at each other confused.

"We have to get out of the forest first, follow me" Aria turns and takes off running

"Woah she's fast" Kai says before following after her

Lloyd and Zane follow as well.

"Are we all just going?" Jay asks

"Yep come along buddy" Cole pats his shoulder before running after

"What in the world is happening?" Jay questions before following "Wait for me!"

The ninja and Aria were soon out of the forest of silence, they took refuge in an abandoned hut as it began to rain at nightfall.

"Alright, now that we're safe" Lloyd turns to Aria "start talking"

Aria sighs and sits down "First of all, I'm Aria but I'm not your Aria"

"What do you mean you're not our Aria?" Kai asks

"I mean I don't belong to this timeline" Aria replies "I come from a timeline of Ninjago where I am the Purple Ninja and I've been the purple ninja ever since I was young"

"wait wait wait, you mean in your timeline.. you're our sister?" Jay asks confused

"that's right" Aria nods and looks at Lloyd "in my timeline me and Lloyd are also married with 2 twin boys"

"well at least one of me ended up happy" Lloyd mutters

"In this timeline it seems I was born destined to follow after my father" Aria looks down "In my timeline I've spent my whole childhood being afraid to follow after my father, but thankfully I've followed my own path"

"Why did our Aria turn out evil then?" Cole asks

"Different things happen in different timelines" Aria replies "In this timeline it appears that the burden of me loosing my mother has weighed heavily on my heart, since I was there when she died I could be blaming myself for her death"

"But your mother's death wasn't your fault it was.." Cole looked away

"Wu and Gamadon's" Aria nods "I know, but I don't hold a grudge against my Sensei's as this timeline Aria does. But then again, they're not her sensei's anymore considering she never became a ninja" she looks at Cole "what happened to me after I hit my head as a child"

"You were hospitalized, forgot Lloyd, and were put under the custody of your father, leaving you to live alone in the city for years" Cole tells her "you didn't start using your powers publicly until after your father died in the final battle, and you fell in love with Lloyd after you trained for a couple years.. but you two are broken up now"

"I see" Aria nods and looks at Lloyd "are you doing ok?"

"Yeah" Lloyd sighs "I mean.. I miss her.. but knowing that somewhere else we were meant to be makes me happy.. cause unfortunately here.. we aren't"

"Destiny is cruel" Aria says "but in any case, I was sent here by my realm's master to assist you guys through the Shadow Lands, after that I will be sent back"

"Wait, you're not going to help bring down.. yourself?" Jay asks

"I can't, that would cause problems for this timeline, but Cloud Kingdom saw a vision that said I was meant to help protect you all in this timeline from the Shadow Lands" Aria smiles "so here I am"

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