{ when Scorp was 16 Draco finally gave in and started releasing all his feeling he had kept storing up in his heart, Draco was still a reck but he focused on Scorp and the company and would occasionally go on dates but he would never find anyone like Astoria. Lucky for him Scorp was a responsible kid, he managed to look after his education , the house and kept Draco happy at the age of 16 all by himself. }

Hermione had just come home when she suddenly heard a knock on the door, she sighed a she opened the door.

 "Oh hey Harry!!! I didn't know you were coming!!!!" said Hermione as she hugged her best friend. "yeah, I just wanted to talk to you when Ginny is not around!!!" said Harry as he looked down at his shoes. "well, come on in!!!" Hermione said as she let him in the house. "you just came home?" Harry asked Hermione as he raised an eyebrow at her. "well I had a lot of work to do!!!" Hermione you expect me to believe the same lie again and again? I know I am dumb but I am not that dumb!!!!" said Harry making a face at Hermione. "Okay its just Rose is getting so old and I rea-" Hermione started but got cut of by Harry. "Lie" said Harry and started at Hermione. "Do you want me to tell the truth cause I will!!!" said Harry slightly mad. "okay go on then!!!" said Hermione getting annoyed.

"Last week was yours and Ron's wedding anniversary, and its going really hard on you because of all the promises he made and isn't able to fulfil any of them, and you act like your complete fine but ,you always wanted to take Ron for the Yule ball but,  the first time he was too last and when you finally get a second chance he is not here. Everything that is going on here is somehow connected with Ron, and the feeling that he is missing out on so much, and you are all alone by yourself kills you doesn't it?" Harry finished and took a deep breath. "Th - Tha-THat's that's not true!!!!" Hermione's voice cracked by the words of Harry and she broke down completely. 

She hit the wall and slide down in tears as harry kneeled down and held her. She cried and cried, harry would do this secretly when she is depressed so her pain could be released in the form of tears. Hermione didn't believe in tears, she thought working more would distract her and she wouldn't feel hurt anymore, but it only made her feel worse. Luckily she had Harry, Harry had known Hermione since she was 11 so he knew how she worked. even though sometimes he was really harsh on her, he knew it was for the best. Usually Hermione never cried but when she did she cried till she was exhausted and fast asleep, later Harry would put her to bed and tuck her in. "Call it rough but at least she gets a goodnight sleep" Harry told himself.

Harry spoke in between Hermione's sobs " You know I can still find him for you right? Why are you still doing this to Yourself?". "He clearly stated that he doesn't want to be found in the letter and that he was doing this to protect all of us" Hermione answered between her sobs. "He said that 12 years ago Hermione!!! Maybe we wants us to find him now?" Harry said trying to convince Hermione. "If he had changed his mind he would have wrote to us!!" Hermione replied back with anger. "But-" Harry was cut off by Hermione this time. "Enough Harry, I love him, I really do, so as his wife I respect his decision and I made a promise to him and I will keep it, no matter what. He is very loyal to his job, so when's he done he shall let me know, and as his best friend I think you should listen to him as well!!!!" Hermione said as she wiped her tears and fell into Harry arm's completely passed out. 

Harry lifted Hermione and took her to her bedroom and tucked her in. "Hermione you are like my sister, and I love you and I care about you. I can't watch you go through this again. Maybe Ginny is right you should start seeing other people and make yourself happy, Rose and Hugo are old enough to take care of themselves, they don't need you for everything. I promise I will try anything I can do to make you happy!!!" Harry whispered to Hermione even though he knew she was fast asleep. Harry shut the door of Hermione's house with his extra key which, Hermione had given him in case of emergency. Hermione slowly whispered once she knew Harry was gone "how can I ever tell him the truth??" she questioned Herself and fell back asleep. 


Greeting witch, wizard and Muggles 

I hope you like this part as it gives a brief of Draco's and Hermione's past. I am fully aware that I didn't give a complete explanation of Hermione's past, all I have said is all you need to know for now you will know more about it in the upcoming chapters. There will also be more Dramione and Scorose content in the up coming chapters. I will also Explain more about Ron and maybe do a chapter in his point of view, but I am unsure about it currently. Drop your opinions about Draco's and Hermione's past in the comments, I would absolutely love to read them. Please note that before you say anything is wrong about their past, and that's not what happens in the book, I am the author of this Fanfic and I have the rights to change them accordingly to fit my fanfic. Thank you all for reading and please like, comment, vote and follow if you liked this chapter. Hope you all are safe and happy. Feel free to message me I would love to talk to you guys!! 

{ PS: I got multiple questions from different people about Ron and NO he is not dead and I promise I will explain everything as the time comes.}  


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