Sequestered Truth

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Hermione took a minute or two to get herself together after she waved her last goodbye to her kids, she went straight up from tears in her eyes to mad at herself for being so 'dramatic' as she was going to see her kids the coming Christmas. She took one deep breathe and turned towards her friends who were patiently waiting for her to react to the kids leaving. She looked at her friends faces, most of them hanging down and filled with concern. She took another deep breath before letting words slip of her mouth. 

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!!!!" Hermione said as she made her way out of the platform; and her friends just gave her a confused look for a response. "What??  we have to get to work remember the world won't wait for us, so let's get going, come on!!!!" Hermione reminded her friends as she got in the car and immediately started checking her e-mails which was a part of her job; "well this is the classic Hermione second stage which comes after the tears, Drowning herself into work or studies" said Ginny as she watched Hermione do her 'job'; "well we better stop her before she gets to the whole 'meaning of life and death' stage" harry added as he makes his way to his car; "Well then we better get to work and stock up!!!" Ginny said as she sat down next to her husband.

"Okay guys, I will see you guys during lunch!!" Hermione said as she walked over to Harry and Ginny and bent down next to their car; "Oh!! and Harry sent me those muggle files you received last week, I would like to skim through them before you dismiss them!!" she said as she walked over to the twin's car.

"And I will see you two this weekend!!" Hermione said as she bent down next to their car. "you sure will!!" said George with a bold smile. "Oh and I would not like a toilet seat on my desk after lunch which eventually my daughter owls you every year" Hermione said with a deep sign as she can't stop her daughter from sending a toilet but could stop Voldemort from killing the whole damn muggle world. "I am afraid I can't help you regarding this matter as it had always been a tradition which we are more than happy to continue" said Fred with a cheeky grin. "yeah!! sometimes I forget I am talking to a Weasley!!" Hermione said as she looked at their cheeky grin grow wider. "We are always glad to remind you!!" said the boys in union. "Duty calls!!!! see ya later boys!!!" Hermione said as she sat back in her car and watched both the cars leave.

Hermione's eyes travel through her car and gets cemented on a picture of her, Ron, Rose and Hugo. She looks slightly to the right of the picture and finds another picture of her , Ron and Harry. She picked up another picture of her in a breathe taking white dress getting married to Ron, she held that picture close to her chest as tears came streaming down her face. "Everything would have been so different if you were around Ron!!" she started talking to the picture hoping that it would speak back but she knew it wouldn't, "Our family would be complete with you around but you are just not..................around and our family will........... always remain incomplete without you" she whispered to herself in between her sobbing, while staring at Ron in the picture. she quickly brushed off the tears and head straight to work and threw herself into work, so that she wouldn't have time to feel her emotions. 

It was lunch break, and Hermione was drowned in a pile of paperwork, when she heard a someone hammering at her door step. She quickly ran towards the door to see if someone was in need of help. "you can never count danger out of your way" she thought to herself and as her hands reached the door knob, she froze. "what if someone out there is armed and waiting to harm me? the ministry has been invaded before might as well happen again. Her eyes quickly scanned through the room trying to find something defensive to protect herself, in case the person outside her door is planning to harm her. She quickly found a vase and found her wand next to her pile of  paperwork, she grabbed both and headed towards the door prepared for any kind of situation. 

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